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December 26th, 2010

[info]faultorvirtue in [info]musings

Public Post

I was wondering if anyone could recommend a day-time nanny for a very active five year old girl?

I seem to have lost mine to an elopement to Las Vegas as of yesterday and she'll be relocating to Michigan stupid girl. If anyone has a recommendation, I'll be conducting interviews over the next week. Please be aware that I am almost too thorough in my background checks and will require references.

Hours will be from 1 PM until 6 PM Monday-Friday, the person in question will need to pick her up from school at 1 PM sharp, and it may be necessary to stay late and work a weekend evening here and there. A car is not necessary, but you must know and understand the public transportation system, I pay well and if public transportation is required, I am happy to reimburse for that.

[info]digitaldelphi in [info]musings

email to

[In light of this]


The last time we spoke, we touched upon lines. Whether I thought certain people could or would cross them in our line of work. It's come to my attention that you did just that in a nursery in Rainer before we even talked.

Because of this, your communicator no longer has access to the main or isolated channels of the network. You may keep it or dispose of it as you wish, but any attempts to use it for communication will only be bounced back to me.


[info]bystealth in [info]musings

Open Commlink

Bat to all points. Corbinian has recently tortured and killed two men and I have no reassurances he will not do so again without warning. If you see him you are not to engage nor reestablish contact.

[info]lightofday_ in [info]musings

Comm to Rorschach

Comm to Rorschach

Hey Rorschach, it's Sentinel. Can you isolate a channel for me?

[info]bylined in [info]musings

J Corvus

[After this.]

[Locked to J Corvus]
I let the cat out of the bag, Corvus. I didn't think that [...] I just wasn't thinking. Just wanted to warn you.

[info]corbinian in [info]musings

left in the bedroom of hamartia 602

things left behind, things taken )

[info]predicted in [info]musings

Comm to Oracle

[While Bat's freak out/tantrum is going on here.]

Oracle, mute Bat. Please.

[info]nogravity in [info]musings


I would have wished everyone a Merry Christmas, but I was too busy drowning in rabid consumerism and the complete bastardization of an originally-pagan and probably at one point meaningful holiday for the nefarious purposes of wealthy capitalists.

So. You know. Happy Sunday instead.

Also, um. If anyone sees a cat hanging around Hamartia, he's mine. He has a collar, his name is Chistery. And he might have wings today. So if you could just let me know, I'll come to wherever he's wandered to and grab him.

[There is, in fact, a winged cat slinking around Hamartia for all of Sunday. He's black and white, with a red collar and the appropriate license tags. His wings are also black and white to match his fur, and capable of bearing him aloft for short distances. The cat is not a fan of flying, though. At about 7 AM on Monday, his wings will begin to shrink and over the course of about an hour will disappear – back to being a normal cat for Chistery.]

[info]journalistic in [info]musings

M. Main

You should stop by the apartment. Santa might've left something for you here. He must've not heard that there were conveniently placed stockings for everyone.

[info]whisper_no in [info]musings

commlink to Cipher

[After this conversation]

Rorschach for Cipher. Isolate.

[info]givemethechild in [info]musings

Hamartia, 505

[By the time Rory comes back from work and vigilanting, Sam’s belongings in the apartment have vanished. There’s marks on the floor from her suitcase being dragged out. On the table is two envelopes – one filled with a receipt for two months’ worth of rent and the other with the following note. The page is a little wet in corners and instead of Sam’s usual purple curls, it’s in black ink – scrawled and honest.]

Rorschach )

[info]superboy in [info]musings

text to L. Henry )