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December 8th, 2010

[info]lightofday_ in [info]musings

Private Comm to Oracle

Hey Oracle, miss me?

[info]radicalalbert in [info]musings

locked to P. Barnes, D. Wiley & J. Bly

exams are next week. can has study date nao? this weekend, all weekend!


al's place is available if you promise not to touch the computers! you break it you buy it! tomatoware official policy :D

bly bly you are invited because you are cool XD

secret lair encoded address: LOL pigmarket14

[info]the_automaton in [info]musings

locked to T. Pecker

[The message is sent mid-morning on Tuesday (yesterday), the day after this occurs.]

Mr. Pecker,

Thank you very much for your generous gifts. While your riddles were clearly sub-par, I believe that these physical puzzles will require a great deal of my constructive time. Do you know them to be worthwhile from personal experience?

I believe that, in the spirit of this time of year combined with the continuation of our association, it would be appropriate for me to provide us both with a meal in the near future. The last time we spoke, you provided it, and so it is only fair that I take my turn. Please inform me of your preferences for the type of meal and date so that I may accommodate them.

- Daryl Hockney

[info]hybristic in [info]musings

K Ehrlich-Cohen

[Sent to the address provided by [info]faultorvirtue]

[One carefully crated and sealed container of Guatemala Hunapu Antigua Bourbon, imported, with press instructions. Tartly sweet notes of berry and lemon, white floral notes and a hint of milk chocolate in both aroma and cup. Juicy acidity and a long, sweet finish with continued suggestions of berry and milk chocolate.]

[Note, which sits atop the sealed container of coffee beans: Do you require instructions on how to use a press?]

[info]voicelikemoney in [info]musings

When evil pigs steal some birds eggs, the only way to get them back is, of course, launching yourself (if you're one of the birds) through a catapult at the castles the pigs have constructed, and thereby smashing the pigs to bits. It makes perfect sense. It really does. Especially when you've lost hours if not days trying to rescue those eggs.

Gotta love modern technology, don't ya?

[info]filthinbeauty in [info]musings

This is the fifth time this year that goods he's been transporting in his car either exploded or leaked for apparently no reason at all. It is safe to say that the car is ruined beyond salvation because there is no way in hell that anything in the world can remove that smell. Shame, really. Cyril sort of liked this car and isn't in the mood to shop for a new one. Perhaps, now would be a good time to take a holiday. Somewhere warm and sunny. Somewhere far away from family with questionable morals, and demented clients and customers.

For artsy needs contact S. Malloy at the auction house and she will be happy to handle your demands requests in the most satisfying manner.

[info]love_remember in [info]musings

[in L. Hartwig's apartment]

[In Liesel's apartment, upon her bedside table, a bit of rosemary in flower just starts growing, for no apparent reason.

And on her kitchen table, the same thing is happening with pansies. They're not damaging the wood or materials of the tables in any way.

They're just there.]