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November 30th, 2010

[info]notjustsidekick in [info]musings

[closed comm to batgirl]

[A couple days after this failed attempt, fairly early in the evening]

Uh, Nobody? [A pause in which he considers whether he should use her other name or not, since he was supposed to talk to her about not using it.] Or Batgirl, if that's what you're using now.

[...] It's Robin. Do you have a minute?
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[info]starpowered in [info]musings

[Delivered on Tuesday to every occupied apartment in each of the three buildings. They're nice quality, but not over-the-top fancy. They're not delivered by courier, but slipped under doors in Hamartia, left in mailboxes in Bathos, and delivered via the doorman in Aubade.]

You're cordially invited )

[info]foundmyway in [info]musings

I... do not even know what my life is. Seriously.

A homeless guy grabbed me and danced with me on my way out. Seriously. Grabbed, danced.

Soooo much joy. Holy crap.

It's been a weird couple of days, I guess? I mean, that was good, but... I don't even know! I've got work in a couple of hours, but I'm just waiting to see what else happens today. Amazing? Not amazing?

[locked to a. morgenstern]
Probably shouldn't even ask but are you okay? I mean, I haven't actually talked to you in like[...] a week or whatever, but I was just wondering.

Still drinking?

[info]theviola in [info]musings


Misses Dawes, Lucine and Kino,

Thank you for the invitation, but I have a previous engagement.

[Text to A. Sparke]
Must we have another sexual harassment lawsuit? Is it impossible to find dates that we do not employ?

[info]the_shadowman in [info]musings

phone call to erika lupo

[The phone call is made to Erika Lupo's private phone number at the radio station. It's placed shortly after he receives this e-mail.]

[Ring ring]

[info]nobrains in [info]musings

Phone Call to A. Morgenstern


[info]girlofthenight in [info]musings

Posted by R. Sexton

Today's grand question is why bloody hell are sales pushed this time of the year, when we've watched prices inch up for the last few months? Am I the only one who's noticed it?