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November 20th, 2010

[info]nunchakuturtle in [info]musings

[text to a. green]

[after sitting around in her room for an hour and a half, drawing and redrawing slightly-altered comic panels of the events from the night of the penguin busts]

boredom. indulge me?

[info]judo_chop in [info]musings

Delivered to Bathos 204 )

[info]whisper_no in [info]musings

comm link to oracle

[This link is opened shortly after this conversation. Overall timeline, the morning after the Penguin plot.]

Rorschach calling for Oracle.

[info]captivechild in [info]musings

The elevator in Hamartia is always out of order, isn't it?
Tags: , ,

[info]ariadnethread in [info]musings

Lost my internship, got a cold, and apparently there's a Creation who's going to kill us in our sleep. What a great couple of weeks.

[info]creationsverse in [info]musings

[Midnight. The woman who walked through the portal that evening was insignificant. She was old, a lifetime old, and her coat was a mess of tatters that had seen better days, and the leaves collected at her feet like dead nothings in the moaning wind. She might have been called Grizabella once, but she didn't think there was anything beautiful about being grizzled as she was. No. As she walked through Seattle, all she could do was remember, and as she remembered, the Creations remembered, too. Memories, carried on the moaning wind, which blew blustery and strong for five days, touching every Creation in the city.]

[info]bystealth in [info]musings


[During this (warning for adult content past link).]

Something happening to Creations?

[info]captivechild in [info]musings

posted by r. dawson


Hey. How are you holding up?

[info]saucyballads in [info]musings


A brief PSA.

Yes, something is going on. We're not sure what exactly, but it seems that memories are being shared unexpectedly.

It started unexpectedly and it may end unexpectedly, but until it does, avoid driving or operating heavy machinery. Try and stay somewhere safe so that you don't get hurt by any unexpected reactions to the memories. If you must travel, use a taxi or public transit.

Most importantly, be careful.

[info]toomuchpink in [info]musings


[text to J. Warda]
I hope this madness finds you well, Detective?

[text to P. Barnes]
Are you all right?

[info]aliensarehere in [info]musings

locked to n. collins

Nathan? Are you having these memory things, too? I [...] I saw one of yours.

[info]saucyballads in [info]musings

[text to J. Warda]

[after this]

Jen, things are... strange here. Not sure it's good for me to drive home. You okay?