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October 9th, 2010

[info]bylined in [info]musings

Open comlink blasts

[During this.]

[Oracle would be able to identify the first communicator to turn on as Cipher's, despite the lack of speaking. The sound, which can be heard across all coms, is that of rapid breathing and then gunfire, bullets and loud, ominous ricochet - a tight space, metal and brick. Then, the communicator obviously falls and the sound of crushing can be heard.]

[2.3 minutes later, Robin's communicator is activated, and his voice comes through the public channel. He sounds in pain and scared, but determined to make it seem like everything is under control.] This is Robin. The... the mask killer, he’s here. [As soon as the last word is spoken, there is a volley of gunfire, loud and deafening across the comlink, followed by the sound of indefinable movement on Robin's part, and then complete and utter silence.]

[Neither communicator continues to transmit any data to Oracle after 2.5 minutes in.]