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August 24th, 2010

[info]aliensarehere in [info]musings

Aliens are real.

I have proof this time. )

[info]fearlessfelix in [info]musings

Where can a girl find an old fashioned good time in this little city of ours? (Can't say I think much of sharing where it is I rest my head with an entire gaggle of you -- girl's got to think of her personal safety and all that jazz, so let's stick with drinking-hole recommendations)

[info]odangochan in [info]musings

private to L. Henry and A. Carroll

Hey! Are you busy Friday? We should have a get together!

Pizza. Mountain Dew. Zombies?

[info]neverawakened in [info]musings

[Taped up in the lobby of Bathos]

Pencil art of a twisted landscape. Nearly hidden in the roots on the bottom left are the letters ZiR.

((OOC: Not mine, obviously, and not Zinnia's exact style - just visual inspiration for the sort of things she'd draw!))