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Aug. 18th, 2015


Athletic Types

I need a good gym that is not also at my job. Any suggestions?


Why does it air like this
Why can't we just make it stop

I've got a feeling that I'm not going to get a lot of sleep tonight. Who's awake?

Aug. 15th, 2015


Trying Starbucks for the first time ever :) any suggestions?

Aug. 14th, 2015



You guys better be ready for this party tomorrow. I'm collecting car keys at the door and keeping an eye out for people who are supposed to be a DD. Seriously, if you need to crash at my place, crash at my place and go home tomorrow morning. Don't be stupid.

Cut for image size. )


I can't begin to describe how excited I am to never have to study for high school again. Less than two weeks to go.

Aug. 13th, 2015


I'm really bad at thi
So for those of you that don't know, I've been working at an orphanage in the city since I got here, and we're not doing great, financially. I don't know a lot of people around here and the ones I do know don't usually like me but we're in serious need of help. Some of these kids are a little rough, some of them are shy, but they're all great and they all deserve to be able to be somewhere. We're like the middle ground between them being left and them getting to a foster home or an adoptive family, and some kids end up spending a lot of time here.

We're insanely understaffed, a lot of the employees haven't really been getting paid but we stick around because it's the right thing to do, but the place can't close down. We're getting little to no funding, and every place that closes down around us ends up dropping their kids off here; we don't have the room or the facilities to make it all work. The program that we run doesn't just take care of kids in foster care and in the orphanage, we go out of our way to make sure that no one 'ages out' of protection. We go out of our way to make sure that they all get into a high school and graduate which is a little ironic because I never did but that's beside the point and if we don't get funding soon, we're going to have to stop doing that.

Five bucks. A dollar. Anything. I'll clean your car for you.


I made a budget and watched television all day.

This entire time I wanted my life to be normal, I was wrong. I don't think I can do this every day, my body mass is already fifty percent Doritos. I should probably look into getting my GED before this place kills me.


I'm not really the romantic type but I wanted to introduce you all to my new girlfriend. We're still getting to know each other but god damn does she move fast.

Why am I the only person playing CoD right now? Why?

Aug. 12th, 2015


Hey, Stuart? Apparently without you, Google's level of Googleyness is dropping, because I'm a little underwhelmed by this.

Aug. 11th, 2015


This is not my inorganic chem class.

Aug. 9th, 2015


I took Dakota (my dog is now Dakota) to the beach. Have I mentioned I love how easy it is to get to LA? Thanks for the idea, Lydia.

Ended up meeting some randoms who also had their puppy out to the beach for the first time. Somehow an hour into this puppy play date I entered into a back flip challenge.

Aug. 8th, 2015


joined the puppy train )

Aug. 6th, 2015


When you're on lunch break, and you walk past a really cute store having a massive sale. It's so busy that stock is probably not going to last, and you can't stay because you have to go back to work.

crying inside )

Aug. 5th, 2015


Aaaaand the next generation begins. This was right before she threw a tantrum, chucked the controller at the dog (she missed), and got put into Time Out. I've created a monster.

[ooc: please to be pretending the ickle is Char. Kthanx.]

#TBT at its best. Shit, I miss my boo.

[ooc: imagination time again - left to right: bb Char, Scott McCall, and Jared with the camera phone]

GAMERS*; delayed until the conversation with Mia and Kira

[ooc: *if your character plays video games, they can see this.]

Aug. 3rd, 2015


Should have gone to sleep hours ago. Oh well.

Jul. 28th, 2015


Alright, alright, ready? This one is really good.

A biologist, a chemist, and a statistician are all out in the woods hunting when they find a deer. The biologist takes a shot and misses five feet to the left. The chemist takes a shot and misses five feet to the right, and the statistician yells 'we got 'em!'

These are amazing.

How are you feeling today?

How are you holding up with this new Lydia thing?

You doing alright?

Hey. You okay?

Jul. 26th, 2015


Who's strip club is a huge success? Mine is. If you're not here right now, you probably should be whether you're attracted to the beauty that is the male form or not. Seriously, what these boys manage to accomplish with a swing and an umbrella is nothing less than art, our next stop should be Broadway. Plus, we have a super cute server on duty today. And he's single, ladies.
Nevermind, he'd kill me.

I need a new hobby, I'm starting to enjoy this way too much for my own good.


Not this Monday, but the following, I'm requesting all of you to make an appearance to come out to dinner with me.

Keep in mind it's my birthday, so if you say no, I'll be sad.


I love my boyfriend so much...but I will never love him (or anyone) this much. That's a level of courage I will never, ever achieve.

Jul. 25th, 2015


Receiving UPS packages is becoming way too exciting these days.

But new boots!

Right, so, this may be totally pointless, I don't know.

Because I'm blessed (cursed) with a show that's still airing, I'm seeing things that could be part of my future that are somewhat terrifying. Maybe I'm jumping the gun, but maybe not.

I'm a kitsune, fox spirit. We have these aura's around us, that literally look like foxes. It's rare that anyone can see them. Photographs can capture it on us if we're young enough, but I seem to have that under control now. The eyes of a werewolf can see it. But I can't.

I want to be able to monitor myself of changes, but I don't know how without pestering werewolves every other day.

I don't even know what I'm looking for, past a way to be able to look monitor my own aura. ...is this a thing that's possible at all?

ETA: [ WEREWOLVES (that known her) & MALIA ]
So, I'm about to ask a huge favor. I'm trying to find a way to be able to watch my fox aura for signs of it growing/getting out of control. The only people I know who can actually see it are you guys.

...any chance one of you is willing to let some doctors run some eye tests to see if they can find a way to duplicate how your eyes see me? So I can keep track of myself?

If you're not okay with that, totally okay. I get it, I'll look into other options. please don't make Dread Doctor comparisons. I mean, I will completely understand if you do, but please don't

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