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Dec. 30th, 2011


lol peace bitches

Who: Angeline and Domina
When: 11:37 on
Where: ground zero

Domina really didn't go in for this kind of thing. In fact, it had sounded like a waste of a perfectly good Saturday, but Daddy had insisted it would look good. So Domina had gone, and had even pretended to enjoy herself. She smiled for photos, waved at reporters, and when she couldn't bite back her sarcasm, she sent texts to her sister. Who was, of course, standing right by her side. Domina had just been texting Angeline a series of snarky remarks about some smelly hippie not far off, when there was suddenly a very loud noise. Things went dark, and she lost a few seconds, but she got the distinct impression she was flying.

When she opened her eyes, she might as well have been in a whole other world. All she could smell was blood and smoke and fire and fear... she loved those scents, but what were they doing here?

She was on her back on the street. She slowly pushed up into a sitting position, and found this wasn't as easy as it should have been. There was a gash in her arm. Blood was trickling down her head. Her instinct was to shift. Shifting would make her heal faster. But where was Angeline? That thought made her heart lurch. "ANGELINE!" she shrieked out, shoving aside some stranger that had fallen on her legs. She needed to find her sister, and they needed to get the fuck out of here. She was already pulling out her lipring and kicking off her shoes so she could shift.



DATE: Saturday, August 29, 2009.

BIRTHDAYS: Kiley, Valya

WEATHER: No changes.

EVENTS: The Preternaturals for Peace march is today! The organization is hosting peaceful marches all around the world, and all week people have been signing up to participate. It’s a good day for a long walk, if you don’t mind the heat, and at least the company’s good. The march begins at 9 AM, and goes off without a hitch. Several roads are closed off in Ann Arbor at certain times in the day so those participating can navigate the roads safely. Yes, by eleven AM everyone is having a wonderful time.

At 11:37, it’s like the end of the world. About half an hour after the marchers have started passing over one of Ann Arbor’s Broadway Bridges, chaos ensues. Within a split second there are over a dozen explosions along the street and in the base of the bridge. The bridge itself is reduced to rubble, much of which falls down into the Huron River blow. The entire street might as well be a war zone. Road rubble and debris are everywhere, as are the marchers themselves. Some are thrown into the river. Some are trapped under the rubble. More bombs go off at different intervals along the route, and killing many outright. Additional bombs take out many of the buildings lining the street.

Immediately, the city springs into action. Sirens are heard in all directions, and all available authorities rush to the scene. Volunteers hurry to help, attempting to free those trapped or wounded. It’s no quick fix. Rescue efforts will go on long into the night, and it’s impossible to even estimate as to the death tolls. Every hospital in the area is quickly filling up. Doctors and nurses from all over the state are hurrying to Ann Arbor to be of help.

However, it soon becomes clear that the tragedy was not limited to Ann Arbor. At the exact same time, those marching in New York City were hit with firebombing from nearby rooftops. Another bridge incident happens in London. In New Orleans, masked figures on rooftops in the French quarter open fire with automatic weapons. Bombs go off at various points in the march in several more cities worldwide.

It’s going to be hard for anyone in Ann Arbor to think about what’s happening around the world today. Today, all many will be able to think about is simply surviving.

If you have something you feel warrants a mention in the next time update, please let the mods know!

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