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Apr. 21st, 2010


Accidental Protector Status

Who: Evan and Lia
When: Midmorning
Where: Camelot Place

So perhaps it was against his better judgment - not that any of Evan's judgments were good - that he'd gotten into his car that morning and drove to Camelot Place. He had a friend there and he wasn't answering his phone and it was the only person that Evan had tried to contact that hadn't given him an 'I'm safe' or an 'Already at the shelters'. That worried him so he decided, after the twentieth text to Rich, that it was time to head over and make sure the guy was alright. The last thing he wanted was to have to embalm a friend. Pulling up in the parking lot, he glanced around, looking for any signs of rampage or demons. It was pissing rain and there was barely any way of seeing anything. But then there was a car pulling up, it's beams flicking across the wall of the building and causing Evan to furrow his brow. Especially when a woman climbed out with a bag of something or other and made her way towards the building. What was she doing outside? It was raining and there were demons for Christ's sake.

spiders give me the heebiejeebies )

Apr. 11th, 2010


Shouldn't you be creeped out by now?

Who: Bianca and Evan
Where: 7-11
When: 3:00 a.m. or so

Didn't take you for the kinda girl who liked dead things. )

Apr. 4th, 2010


Explosive Friendships

Who: Evan and Graham
Where: Sunny's Diner
When: 9am

It had been a while since Graham got some quality night sleep and if it wasn't evident in the dark circles under his eyes, then it was evident in the third cup of coffee he was on. A bit hard to sleep when there was that impending doom lingering about that his ex-girlfriend would suddenly pop back into his dreams and mind rape him for more information. Not exactly how he felt like spending his evening. Even when morning came he didn't want to try for some rest. Autumn was off to work, thus leaving Graham alone... which was always a bad thing, because god knew what would happen. Staying around in her house sounded like a crappy idea and he was finding himself to get more and more annoyed by just sitting around in it all day. Thus explaining why he flipped through his old numbers, found Evan Forsythe, and decided to meet him up for breakfast.

Seriously, if dicks - aside from my own - didn't disgust me, I'd be a fag by tomorrow. )

Mar. 12th, 2010


Embalming 101

Who: Evan, Erin and NPC vampire,
When: Early Morning
Where: The Forsythe Funeral home

Evan was back into the swing of things and those things included work. It'd been nice to get a break and get away from Scarlet Oak for a while after his crashed and burned relationship, but now that he was home, he couldn't even figure out why he'd left in the first place. It wasn't worth it, she wasn't worth it, not losing his family and friends and his job over. He'd missed working which might have been strange to some given the fact that he was an embalmer, but Evan did miss actually having a purpose. He still refused to stay at his own home so he'd taken to sleeping at his parents still, but bright and early in the morning, he headed down to check on his first job of the day. A pretty little blonde.

Too bad she was dead.

vampires are undead, not dead dead )

Feb. 3rd, 2010


Somebody's been sleeping in my bed.

Who: Erin, Evan and Langston
Where: The Forsythe residence
When: Nighttime
What: Shenanigans!

Sleep tight guys. If I hear any more screams, I'm just gonna assume you guys decided to make friends and share. )

Oct. 29th, 2009


BBQ Time~

Who: Erika, Chris, invited guests and guests of invited guests, OTA
Where: Erika's
When: Saturday afternoon
What: BBQ!

Who needs a reason to have a party? )

Oct. 17th, 2009


In the wee, wee hours.

Who: Dorcas and Evan
When: Just after Midnight and into the morning
Where: Dorcas's home, Dorcas's car

'Do you gots sleepy clothes here for me? I can't wear girly clothes, I'm a boy.' he explained. )

Oct. 12th, 2009


Getting some drinkies.

Who: Evan and Alejandro
When: 9:30 PM and on
Where: Anywhere but here

Evan decided that tonight was one of those nights where he'd let off some steam. Not that he really had much to let off seeing as life was pretty damn good currently, but nevertheless, he still ended up at a bar. Parking outside, he made his way to the counter and plopped himself down on a stool, waiting for the bartender to come over before looking at him and giving him a smile. "I want whatever you got that'll get me wasted after just a couple orders of it." Yes, Evan, goofy Evan, was here on a mission.

read more )

Sep. 27th, 2009


Orange Marmalade

Who: Evan, Dorcas and Evan's parents (NPC)
When: Evening
Where: Dorcas's house, Evan's car, The Funeral home, Evan's house
Warnings: NSFW

Parental units met and... oh God. )

Sep. 17th, 2009


Pain in the Dark

Who: Dorcas, Elizabeth, Evan
Where: Dorcas's Living Room
When: Late evening

'How about I call them girly pains for the sake of conversation?' )


It always leads back to women.

Who: Griffin and Evan
When: Evening
Where: Random pool hall/bar

After work, Griffin wasn't exactly ready to just go home and veg out. He wanted to call Aria, but he didn't want to see too eager, so he decided to instead try and get one of his friends to go out for a drink or something equally as distracting. Unfortunately, most of his friends had obligations now, so it was difficult to convince someone to blow off the home life for a beer. After he had gotten home, he showered and changed and picked up his phone to scroll through his address book. He came upon Evan's name and punched the number quickly. He hadn't seen Evan in awhile, but hopefully the guy would be finished embalming corpses for the day and would be up for getting out.

You'll be married in six months. )

Sep. 15th, 2009


Explosives can be handy

Who: Evan, Graham, and random waitress (NPC)
Where: Sarah's Place
When: Lunch time

How To Make Friends, Chapter 1 )

Sep. 7th, 2009


Just like bookends

Who: Dorcas & Evan
Where: Her place
When: Night, yo. When else?
Warning: NSFW

Juliet 2.0 )

Aug. 8th, 2009


Checking in on the lady... or ladies.

Who: Elizabeth, Dorcas and Evan
When: Evening
Where: Dorcas's house

I'm sorry, so sorry )

Aug. 4th, 2009


All My Loving

Who: Dorcas & Evan
When: Early morning
Where: Evan's place
Warning: NSFW

I will send to you... )

Jul. 30th, 2009


A little drama with your dinner?

Who: Dorcas and Evan
Where: His place.
When: Just before 7 PM
Warning: NSFW

Dorcas had decided to give Evan a surprise visit since he'd done the same to her the night before. One turn deserves another though she wasn't sure if the previous one had been good or not. Still, she needed to make up for being a dramatic, stupid girl. So she had made him dinner - a pot roast that'd been slow cooked for the hours she'd been at work, mashed potatoes and corn - which was packed away in tupperware and was still pretty hot when she actually arrived and knocked on his door. The plastic packages were tucked away in a beach bag that had some other stuff in it that she was sure she was going to need (like a change of clothes in case he invited her to stay, y'know).

She had dressed in the shirt she'd stolen from him, having cut out the collar and carefully cut one of the shoulders so it hung down low on one side. It was very 80's in style and practically made her a flasher if not for the black tank top underneath. Paired with that were her ever present combat boots and a knee length denim skirt. Her blue hair was up in pigtails.

Knock knock knock. Surprise!

and maybe a little risky business? )

Jul. 23rd, 2009


Once There Were Sweet Possibilities...

Who: Dorcas, Elizabeth, Evan
Where: Dorcas's house.
When: Rather late.

Debating with ghosts about whether they deserved rights or not was draining. Of course the deserved rights. But Dorcas was positive that to give them such would lead to the downfall of society. There were too many laws and other policies to factor in...

So when she'd gotten home, she'd pretty much just tossed her things on her couch then trudged upstairs. The front door was once again left unlocked and really, she didn't want to be bothered by anyone. Especially not after the letter from her parents that she'd gotten in the mail. It was crumpled into a ball and was sitting on the side table by the door along with the shredded envelope. She still had things to do and much less time to do them in and the letter was weighing heavily on her mind. She should have just gone straight to bed. She had work and such tomorrow.

Instead she had disappeared into her office to practice on her upright piano. She had already gone through a couple of pieces and now she was working on "No One Knows Who I Am" from Jekyll & Hyde. At first she just played the intro a couple of times before swinging into the lyrics and quietly singing to herself. Oh yes, she was in a black mood.

Jul. 12th, 2009


Lover Quarrels

Who: Evan and Dorcas... Again. Sorry guys.
Where: Dorcas's house.
When: Sometime after six PM
WHY? We don't know! We're SORRY.
Warning: NSFW

You want me to wear a skirt? )

Jul. 9th, 2009


Ghostess With the Mostess

Who: Evan, Dorcas, Elizabeth
Where: House of Interest antique store
When: Around five-ish after Evan gets off work

Dorcas still had an hour of work left. The boss lady probably would have let her off early since the clock of Doom had gotten sold the day before. That was awesome. And now there were plans to run away to London and just have a kick ass time. She couldn't wait. Well, she had to wait. People needed to get passports. They weren't dual citizens like she was.

The shop was empty so she was back to sitting on her stool and reading. Or trying to read. Actually she was staring into space and not getting anything done what so ever. She was having one of her moments were focusing and remembering all got jumbled up but it was impossible to tell. Eh, not like it mattered if she was braining well at the moment, right?

... Right?

Jul. 6th, 2009


Curse You Small Town

Who: Evan and Jovie
When: Early afternoon
Where: Coffee Shop

Jovie had gotten a late start that morning and had missed out on her morning coffee to get her store open. She'd only had time that morning to pull on a pair of jeans and a sheer blouse with a tank top on underneath, pile her hair in a messy ponytail on top of her head, and had to completely forgo any makeup in order to get into her shop and send off her requests to Europe to meet her supplier's deadline. Afterward, she grouched through her paperwork, and somehow managed to sell a silver chain necklace to some nerd with a cowlick who apparently - according to the thoughts she'd picked up when she delved inside of his head - liked to dress in women's panties when his wife wasn't home. It hadn't put her in the best of moods, but once eleven thirty hit, Jovie locked up and walked down the street to the corner coffee shop. She was in need of caffeine if she was going to get through the day. She had her non-date date with Alex that night, and the last thing she needed was to be in a sour, piss poor mood when she saw him.

Bitter? Maybe. Vindictive? Probably. )

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