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Aug. 18th, 2010


Now that I know what I'm looking for

Who: Caelia and Naoki
Where: Her hotel, then off to Ann Arbor for om noms
When: 6pm

If there is sorrow, there is beauty and trust. )

Jul. 17th, 2010


Louder than sirens, louder than bells

Who: Aetheria and Caelia
Where: Berry Days Festival
When: Afternoon

I swallow the sound and it swallows me whole. )

Jun. 24th, 2010


I get the sense of a spark so I follow

Who: Caelia and Naoki
Where: Shizuka
When: Late morning

I tell myself not to go, but I go, needing to see whichever way she's going. )

Jun. 12th, 2010


What is this?

Who: Aurora and Caelia
Where: The park
When: Morning

If I'm dreaming please don't wake me up. )

Jun. 2nd, 2010


It's enough to make me nervous

Who: Caelia and Kikuya
Where: clothing store
When: late morning

Though she had been out of the psychiatric hospital for over a month, Caelia still found that there were things she needed that she did not have. Clothes, for instance, were a problem. She'd never had many of them back at the temple, and she certainly hadn't in the hospital, and so it was strange for her to have to shop for clothes. Already she owned more than she ever had at any one point in her past, and yet she found that the weather in Scarlet Oak was different enough from the places she'd been in Europe that she wasn't entirely prepared.

The only solution to her current dilemma was to go shopping, as much as she disliked the idea. Shopping was more frustrating than not - though at least it wasn't the money that she was worried about - and the risk of crowds was greater than she was comfortable with. Which was why she went on a weekday, when, she had learned, most people would likely be at work rather than shopping leisurely, especially in the slightly higher-end stores she intended to frequent.

Which explained why she was in the dressing room of one of said stores, though not why she had been in there long past when she'd tried on everything she'd taken in with her. Truthfully, she was avoiding the oversolicitous salespeople and trying to push down the anxiety she was feeling. It didn't help that Celeste wasn't with her, either. So Caelia sat on the too small bench, legs visible in the gap beneath the door, and took deep breaths.

May. 15th, 2010


You'll feel when the wind blows

Who: Caelia and Dashiell
Where: the grocery store/pharmacy
When: 8ish in the morning

She didn't know how long she'd be staying, but it was better to be safe than sorry. )

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