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September 5th, 2014

[info]solepurpose in [info]light_of_may

and we falter, yes we are human.

Who: Carter and Nora.
Where: Near Pentwater Lake, upstate.
When: October 1st 2009, very early morning.

When his phone had buzzed in his pocket to alert him to the message from one of his contacts Carter hadn’t long separated from Ash and Maya, the reunion unexpected but far from unwelcome. Knowing that he had trustworthy and capable allies out there in the form of two of the hunters from Omega was reassuring to say the least, Carter liked the idea of having them close by in case things got too much for him to handle. With Athena and Aiden in town as well his list of allies was growing ever longer and he couldn’t say that was a bad thing. His mother would have been happy to hear it, as well, but he wouldn’t tell her. It was better to leave her in the dark on that but keep up his regular contact, she didn’t need to know that there were people here who could watch his back. If anything happened it would just make things worse.

The drive upstate had been as swift as he could make it without breaking the speed limit and drawing undue attention towards himself, he had found a place to park his vehicle and slipped out into the deepening dark with his weapons secreted away on his frame, in holsters and sheaths. The creature he had been tipped off about wouldn’t hesitate to tear him into pieces if he got too close and so the weapon in his hand was far from small, far from subtle, a shotgun that would knock even the most resilient demon back on its ass if he pulled the trigger. Carter knew better than to let them press in too close but he also knew that you couldn’t prepare for every little thing. Demons and vampires both had a way of sneaking up on you, getting around behind you or in at the side, and he had the scars to show for it, close encounters he had survived. Just barely. It was as he moved quietly through the night and the shadows that danced across the dark that he thought back on those close calls, when he had almost lost an eye, when his back had been all but laid open, the feel of that shaft of metal as it had punched clean through the meat and muscle of his thigh like a hot knife through butter. Carter had spilt his fair share of blood over the years he had been active as a hunter. There was no telling how things would go tonight, if he would spill even more. If he was lucky it would just be the demon who bled but any hunter worth their salt knew not to make assumptions or let any kind of emotion, good or bad, cloud their judgement.

Something splintered off to the side, a crack of dry wood underfoot, quiet in the grand scheme of things but so loud in the sweeping silence that had until moments ago only been broken by the breeze through the leaves. Carter swung on the spot, bringing the weapon up as he did so, finding not a demon but a blonde woman. Even so he didn’t lower the shotgun, instead kept it levelled on her, waiting for her to explain herself.