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February 5th, 2014

[info]forapureworld in [info]light_of_may

it's what you all deserve

Who: Amanda, Cameron and OPEN
When: Early afternoon
Where: Outside of SOHS

He had waited.

Cameron had given this little dome disaster at the high school days without making any official statement. Things like that he'd left to his father and the others. They thought he might be afraid or losing his backbone, but that wasn't it at all. No, Cameron had given them time because he didn't want to seem hasty. The last thing he needed to do was step up and say something only to have the barrier fall, the children tumble out unscathed and everyone look at him as though he was insane. No, he'd save that for the zealots who jumped on everything the second it happened instead of giving it time to boil and set. Now the people had seen that it was a problem and it wasn't going to just stop. This had happened because of the supernaturals. If a barrier that kept everyone out wasn't supernatural in origin... he'd be damned by one of those demons they kept screaming about.

"You know why it's happening!" Cameron had to raise his voice to be heard over the general din of voices from the crowd. One of his aides had gotten him a makeshift stand and he was up on it, the notes that had been written forgotten in front of him. Just looking at the school put a sick feeling in his stomach. How could they stand it? All of that magic. It was disgusting, it truly was, and he reached out to take Amanda's hand to reassure himself. That the magic wouldn't touch him. "It's because of them, these supernaturals who flaunt themselves and bring more and more of their magic into the world. What did they do not that long ago? Opened barriers that existed for a reason and released horrors that we still don't know the extent of. Horrors that likely-" He flung his other hand out and pointed to the school. "-caused that to happen to your children! Why do we still embrace them and turn to them for help when clearly they can do nothing? Letting them run free..." He shook his head, a rueful smile on his face. "Has it done any good for us?"

[info]floodsmyveins in [info]light_of_may

it's just like old times... only no one's crying

Who: Arwen, open to any and all of the Kavanagh/Gia/Nysa crew
When: Morning
Where: Arwen's house

Arwen had taken no objections with Desi throwing an impromptu slumber party at her house. God knew her home was big enough, and even with her mother staying there she still had guest bedrooms and couches to share. Arwen wasn't entirely sure who all had elected to stay the night - having just gotten off of a twelve-hour shift she'd been among the first to turn in and give in to sleep. She woke early in the morning, and felt oddly at peace with the world. She liked having a full house.

After showering and pulling on a long, soft baby blue robe, she headed downstairs. She had always been an early riser, but she put the tea on, and debated whether or not to cook breakfast. She decided against it. Desi had been hitting the booze, and she didn't want to wake anyone up before they were ready. Instead, Arwen wrapped herself in a blanket and took her tea outside. She had a covered deck facing the river, and a light rain was just starting to fall. She sighed as she let herself sink into one of the lounge chairs, both hands hugging her mug of tea. She could not remember the last time she felt so... calm. It was nice.