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January 15th, 2014

[info]manypaths in [info]light_of_may

A potentially volatile meeting.

WHO: Allegra & Jo
WHERE: SOHS grounds, where the Summers have set up camp
WHEN: Around noon

Despite all the forces in the world telling her not to, Allegra had gone ahead and reopened Many Paths. Not that it was ever really closed as her daughter Willow had been a much braver soul than she had and kept it open. Today, however, had Allegra worrying. No matter what, her daughters usually checked in. Be it a text or a call or something misplaced in the old house, something always alerted Allegra to the fact that they were alive and happy and well. She'd seen Willow, of course, and was glad she was at least aware of the whereabouts of one daughter. It was usually the other way around. Venus was more easily tracked-down than her wilder child, but things had been strange as of late and it seemed to be affecting her family dynamic as well. At any rate, the fact remained that she was worried about her younger daughter. She'd hoped (and it was kind of a sad hope, at that, considering the circumstances...) that Venus had simply gotten too involved in helping out the Trent's family. She knew that at least two of Trent's siblings were of high school age and trapped inside the gym with all the other children. It was something that deeply worried Allegra and she hoped it could be remedied soon, for the sake of universal balance. The scales were heavily off-kilter and she, for one, was concerned about the eventual ramifications.

One could only hope things would settle down soon. )

[info]grittyreboot in [info]light_of_may

Don't lose your temper

WHO: Julian & Lux
WHERE: Police Station
WHEN: Early afternoon

The donuts were a bribe. )