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July 17th, 2013

[info]diary_of_jane in [info]light_of_may

Who: Jane and Will
Where: Across the school grounds, where else?
When: Mid-morning

Days had gone by in which Jane had been able to hold herself back from the high school despite her curiosity being at an all time high. However, the ending of that force of will coincided with the ending of other people's good will, apparently, and as Jane saw on the news that people were now charging family members just to stand around on their property the little hot-head decided she might just have a mighty need to satisfy her own curiosity and give some nice folks a piece of her mind. For all her wondering whether or not to actually attempt to touch the so-called 'force-field' enveloping the school, as soon as she arrived Jane realized the barricades had effectively put that idea to rest. Now she was just standing there like everybody else.

This was not the first time her magic and training felt useless to her lately, and it probably wouldn't be the last. Right now Jane had no use for protective magic - there was no one to protect - or the defensive kind - there was no one to defend against. What she could do, what little it was, was ask around if any of the families needed anything such as food or drink. It at least felt good to help out.