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July 14th, 2013

[info]powerofthepack in [info]light_of_may

i know i'm not the only one waiting among wandering souls down here.

Who: Trent and Venus.
Where: Outside the high school, where the emergency services are holed up.
When: Late evening.

The contents of the styrofoam cup in his hand had gone cold a while ago but he hadn’t gotten around to pouring it out and stuffing the container in their small trash bag hanging in the back of the bus yet. His partner had wandered off about fifteen minutes ago to try and get an update, though Trent had told the other paramedic before they’d roamed into the crowd that they were wasting their time, that the authorities would come and find them if and when they were needed. They carried radios for a reason. Still, the other paramedic had insisted and Trent had watched them go with only a small shake of his head.

Being by himself gave him entirely too much time to think and he felt his free hand going for his pocket for the cell phone pushed into the depths entirely of its own accord. With a sigh he finally ditched the cold contents of the cup into the grass over which the ambulance had been awkwardly driven to be parked off the road, a little closer to the school. It would make it easier to get patients to the back of the vehicle when that barrier came down, if they needed medical help, though Trent wasn’t looking forward to the drive off the grass. He heard the liquid hit the grass with a dull splash and fumbled around without looking for the bag, only releasing the cup when he felt the opening and knew he wasn’t going to spill dregs of bad coffee all over the inside of the bus. That left both hands free to work the phone when he successfully retrieved it from his pocket.

Nothing new. As he suspected the rest of his family had, Trent had sent those of his siblings who had attended the dance urgent messages asking them to contact him. When he checked the status of the messages he saw, not for the first time, that they had failed to deliver. Lotti and Kyle’s phones were out of reach. Cupping the phone between both of his hands and resting his chin on them, elbows on his knees as he perched in the back of the open ambulance, Trent turned his eyes on the school, trying to figure out like so many others what it was that was keeping their loved ones trapped inside, and the rest of them out.