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June 19th, 2013

[info]kittenwithagun in [info]light_of_may

Who: Maya, Ash, Theodore, any other Omega members who decide to show up
When: Midnight-ish
Where: The big magic wall surrounding the high school

After receiving the text alert from Teddy, it didn't take Maya long to move out. She'd been in her room, cleaning some of her lesser-used bladed weapons, but moments later was throwing on a leather jacket over her t-shirt to hide the shoulder holster she always wore. Not only would the warmth be welcome (were constitution or no, she was originally from a tropical country and would always prefer the warmer weather to the cold she'd experienced most frequently since leaving), but it would also hide the guns as well as the knives strapped to her forearms. The place was surely crawling with police, so their poking around would have to be as circumspect as possible.

She was in her car - glad to have it back after Logan's side trip - when Teddy's second text came through, and she waited the requisite moment for him to join her. After that, it was a short drive to the school, and Maya parked the Mustang out of the way and out of sight of the gathered emergency services. She got out, waiting for Teddy to do the same before using the keyfob to lock it. She texted Ash, scenting the air as she looked around.

We're here. Where are you?

[info]chemicalshell in [info]light_of_may

honey it's time for some hard truths

Who: Kiley and Nicci
When: Quarter to midnight
Where: Outside the school

Nicci's parents were livid, but by the time they got wind of what she'd done they were too late to undo it. They had waited for a long time for Nicci to come to the house like she'd said she would, and came to the school only after another member of the pack had called and told them just what Nicci had done. She could feel their rage from a mile away, but she knew them well. They would not contradict her in public. They would show no sign of weakness. Nicci had gotten away with it.

And she didn't think she was doing a bad job of it, either. She had ordered all available members of the pack to the scene to show their support, which was perhaps not very practical and kind of unnecessary, but fuck it, it made her feel better. She had sent members to ask around with any history or experience in law enforcement to call the local police department and ask if there were any volunteer jobs needed. She'd also had people asking around about friends or family members with magical knowledge or ability to do the same. She had people researching on the internet for even the most left-field mention of something similar happening anywhere else in the world. She had women making sandwiches and coffee to bring down for the police.

She had even texted that redheaded pain in the ass she liked to pretend didn't exist, and she'd been damn civil about it. That one had pained her, oh yes, it had physically hurt, but if something was worth doing, it was worth doing right. And in the end, it would make Mason happy. Another brownie point in her favor. Why not go for broke.

[info]boycott_love in [info]light_of_may

I don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul?

Who: Quentin and Renee (and probably Quentin's familiar Willie too)
Where: Their apartment
When: Late night

I don't know where I'm going, but I don't think I'm coming home. )

[info]drumroller in [info]light_of_may

Kick drum beating in my chest again

Who: Brodie and Gavin
Where: Gavin's studio
When: afternoon

Four days had gone by since the last time Brodie had seen Gavin, and it was also the exact amount of time it took him to get the guts to visit him at the studio, like he'd said he would. Of course the storm didn't help, but Brodie couldn't say he wasn't thankful for it. He genuinely was interested in seeing Gavin's work, though. Despite all the awkwardness of having a crush on someone you were trying to befriend he also genuinely wanted to, well, befriend him. He wasn't good at that either, though, so he was kind of painting by numbers right now. Brodie thought it was only logical that paying Gavin a visit was something friends did.

When he arrived at the building Brodie stopped, leaning against the wall, and lit up a cigarette. It was a way to calm himself and buy some time. Unfortunately the cigarette eventually burned out, as they do, and Brodie thought it was ridiculous to light another one, stand there chain smoking all afternoon too afraid to ring a doorbell. So, he rang it. And then he realized it was Sunday and Gavin might just not even be there.