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March 28th, 2013

[info]earth_to_bella in [info]light_of_may

Who: Odin and Bella
When: Afternoon
Where: Seeds of Beauty

It had been five days, and the general opinion was that five days past the first date meant Bella wasn't going to hear from Odin again. To say this made the redhead sad was a bit of an understatement. She had felt that the date had gone very well, and she would have really liked to see him again. But she couldn't say she was surprised. For whatever reason, Bella didn't get a lot of second dates, and she never understood why. It was a matter of great insecurity for her. Over the past few days she'd constantly rerun the evening in her head, trying to figure out where it had derailed for him.

Luckily, work was providing great distractions for her. It was strange - when Bella had been in high school, homecoming had been such a bittersweet event for her. She enjoyed going to the functions with her friends and she always participated, but the bullying from Rufus and his friends usually resulted in leaving the dance in tears and swearing she'd never go to another one. Now that she was out of high school, homecoming was kind of a blast. She enjoyed dressing up the shop windows in displays of school spirit, and she almost always got involved with the parade through the shop. Floats always needed flowers. Even though there would be no parade this year, the shop was still busy. Today, she was making corsages. It was simple busy work, but work Bella enjoyed immensely. She was an extreme perfectionist, and all other thoughts but her work were driven from her mind as she bent over her workspace. She was just wrapping up another when she heard the bell above the door ring. "I'll be right with you," she breathed in a quiet, sing-song voice, as she nudged her braid over her shoulder. The arrangement had to be perfect, and she was almost done.