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July 26th, 2012

[info]deepwells in [info]light_of_may

Surprise: it's a girl!

Who: Treat and MacKenna (and Banges)
When: Afternoon
Where: Treat's house

There was good news and bad news. The good news was that MacKenna had finally stopped crying this morning. The bad news was she was pretty sure it was due solely to dehydration. There was just nothing left. She felt weak, and hadn't moved anymore than she had to since late last night.

Everyone on the train had been looking at her funny, so before taking the bus from Detroit to Scarlet Oak, she decided to give them a reason to look at her funny. She pulled on the most random, mismatched articles of clothing near the top of one suit case, and glared at anyone who dared to keep looking at her funny.

No one was waiting for her at the bus station, but sadly, MacKenna couldn't even be surprised by this anymore. Great Auntie Desiree hadn't known she was coming, so she probably hadn't informed her son, either. MacKenna didn't even know the guy's number. She had his address though, so she used some of the money her mother had given her to call a cab. The cabbie seemed to have some pity in him, and he had loaded all four of her suitcases and her massive trunk for her. When they reached the address, MacKenna hugged Banges tight, and got out of the car. There was a cleaning van in the driveway. It also looked like someone had driven a motorbike on the lawn. 'Go on,' Banges urged. 'You can do it, Kenna!' MacKenna sighed, and as the cabbie began unloading all her things in the driveway, she headed up to the door.

[info]cute_kills in [info]light_of_may

"Two little demons sitting in a pew..."

Who: Briony and Bubbles
When: Morning
Where: Amazing Grace church
Warning: Potentially disturbing content of the demon-caused variety.

One jumps off and bumps *your* head! )

[info]notafuckgiven in [info]light_of_may

and the bells will ring, and the children sing 'cause you're gonna be all mine

Who: Faith and Frankie
Where: Perth, the airport and later Frankie’s apartment
When: 2001
Warning: NSFW

Don't you see what we could be? )