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October 8th, 2010

[info]tenth_life in [info]light_of_may

Play the music, not the instrument.

Who: Billie-Jean Atkins & "Penny" Chase
Where: The Treble Clef
When: Early afternoon.
What: Old song, new friend--aren't you?

Gretel had always been wary of the power of music. )

[info]firststrike in [info]light_of_may

When something like a soul becomes initialized and folded up

Who: Zaviar, several NPCs
Where: Grayling, MI
When: 1992
Warnings: Disturbed child

Like paper dolls and little notes. )

[info]makedeadwalk in [info]light_of_may

Payback's A Bitch

Who: Bianca and Nic
Where: Denny’s
When: 5am

The flower incident had been dealt with. Sort of. Yes, Bianca had taken care of the flowers and even gotten rid of her migraine while she was at it, but she had yet to address the reason why she had gotten them. Her suspicion was that it was Nic trying to be clever and she was not happy about it. Not at all. How to deal with it seemed like a relatively simply thing - ignore it and him and just pretend it had never happened. But Bianca never took the path she was supposed to and the past week had been stretching her nerves so taut that they were ready to snap. This threatened to snap them and during her night shift at the 7-11 she had decided that she knew just how to do it. He had sent her flowers, which she hated, and so she was going to go ahead and do something that would upset him at least as much and hopefully more. Because on top of the flowers she had used her powers without being pressed and really, it annoyed her. Count it as getting back at him for everything he’s done. Yes, she blamed him for everything. That happened when someone flipped the world around.

Once her replacement came in, Bianca pulled out her cell and flipped it open, scrolling down to the appropriate number and hitting it. Sure it was roughly five o’clock in the morning but she did not care. Either he would answer or she would keep calling until he did.

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