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June 1st, 2010

[info]gooddreams in [info]light_of_may

I've been trying hard to reach you 'cause I don't know what to do

Who: Evelyn and Ty
Where: Ty’s place
When: around 5pm

It was hot as hell outside, so Evelyn kept the windows closed and the air conditioning running as she drove to Scarlet Oak. The rental car was nice enough - nothing special, but plenty to hold her over while she was visiting her brother and sister. However long that might be.

When she glanced at the GPS, it let her know that she was about ten minutes out from her brother’s address, so she took out her cell phone to call him like she’d promised. It had been impossible to tell from his text message whether he was mad or just surprised, though she figured that if Amina was staying with him, one more sister hanging around for a while wouldn’t interfere too badly with his undercover work. Whatever he was working on; he hadn’t given her any specifics yet. She supposed she’d get answers to all that soon enough.

Evelyn pressed one to speed dial Ty and then hit send, keeping her eyes on the road as she held the phone to her ear and waited for Ty to pick up.

[info]notofyourworld in [info]light_of_may

A slightly-illegal excursion

Who: Corentin and Claude
Where: Hello, Cupcake!
When: Late morning.

Corentin swore he'd get the hang of this money thing eventually. )