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May 22nd, 2010

[info]spanishfirebird in [info]light_of_may

Who: Kate and Fina
When: Afternoon
Where: Meeting of the Fire Girls (scene lotto)

Kate had finally downgraded her weapons as she left the townhouse to restart her quest to find work and to finally get some much needed supplies since the demons have died off for the most part. So she slipped her sai into her backpack and a lighter into her jeans pocket before heading out, making sure she had a bottle of water in her bag since her and humidity never really got along even pre knowing about her elemental side. She quickly locked up the house and set off for the supermarket,"Note to self: see about getting refill of the pain meds. Supply is running low" she made a mental note.

But as she walked (dressed in jeans and a t-shirt from a Madrid nightclub) she was thinking about recent events. The fact she had felt everything the demon was feeling as she fought one was still bothering her even a few days later. *I mean, I never had to kill so why is my head and soul at odds??* she got to thinking, not really caring if anyone could hear her by now. But when she passed a mini mart she made one decision,"Who cares about the humidity, a Pepsi is sounding pretty freaking great right about now".

As for the sai peeking from her backpack most would think martial artist (which was true) but at the same time the weapons would make anyone curious...

[info]seenoevils in [info]light_of_may

Miles and miles before I sleep...

Who: Preston and Paige
When: about 8am
Where: Adams' household
What: Mr. and Mrs. Adams come home.

And just like that God cut the earth out from under him, struck him to his knees and the world spun off its axis while Preston tried to find something to hold onto. There was nothing. The world reeled. He could not orient... )