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May 15th, 2010

[info]tiny_ninja in [info]light_of_may

Don't stop believin' ... that there's got to be better singers out there than this

Who: Tessa Rogers and Fina Gallo
Where: Random bar with an open mic night
When: Late evening

It had never occurred to her to keep her mouth shut when she was sober and she sure as hell wouldn't once she was drunk. )

[info]sinful_song in [info]light_of_may

We haven't talked much cause I've been away so we've been out of touch

Who: Adelle and her mother Ryndana(NPC)
Where: Phonelines
When: 11:45PM

But that doesn't mean I don't love you. )

[info]gardenfae in [info]light_of_may

Flowers in the Windows

Who: Erika and Bella
Where: Seeds of Beauty
When: late afternoon

Now that she knew what she was up against )

[info]child_of_gaia in [info]light_of_may

Call me (call me) on the line

Who: Raina and Isaiah
Where: Their respective homes/Over the phonelines
When: Mid-Afternoon
What: Reassurances and Stability

The call to the number her father had given her, that he'd gotten from the news, had summoned a small crew to get rid of the demon's remains from behind her home before she returned. She hadn't wanted to see the decapitated body, or the black blood that stained the green grass in that previously pleasant field. Hadn't wanted the undeniable evidence that her nightmare was based in concrete reality. She wasn't a coward, she just knew herself well enough not to invite more of that unsettled, uncomfortable feeling into the pit of her stomach.

Being told she could go home would have been more of a joy if not for her sister's departure, the moment it was considered remotely safe. Rowena had not even taken the time to do more than take the absolute essentials form the rooms that had been her and Caius'. The two sisters had hardly spoken while Raina had helped her nephew pack a bag of his things, Rowena doing the same for herself. Aside from extracting a promise from her younger sister to send on the remainer of her things, on to the house she had shared with her ex-husband, Greg, they had not talked at all.

The shreds of speech that did pass between them were stilted and lacking their usual warmth. Caius, Raina saw, looked between his mother and his aunt, confused and troubled. It was partially why, just before her sister and nephew had left, Raina knelt before the little boy. She hugged him close, and while she didn't deny that she she'd had an argument with his mother, she promised to always be on the other end of the phone. Raina had been firm in her assurances that she loved him, and that her upset was not with him, was never with him.

Call me, call me any, any time. )

[info]stealinyurstuff in [info]light_of_may

Love and Loathing in Scarlet Oak

Who: Neil and Bonnie
When: 7:00AM
Where: The South Hamilton Street Performance Artists
What: Fire starters and happenstance

Being an elemental can be an addiction. This is a different sort of drug. )

[info]lightofmaymods in [info]light_of_may


DATE: Tuesday, July 14, 2009.


WEATHER: Holy crap! It's sunny out! Sometime in the night the rain ceased, and temperatures have shot up as the sun comes out. Things are still very wet outside (and in some areas, flooded), and humidity is at 100%. But... sun!

EVENTS: The last round of demonic activity seems to have been effectively fought off. While its not the same for all areas, most of lower Michigan is safe (or, as safe as it ever was, anyway).

Businesses are reopening, and classes at the U of M are scheduled to start back up again tomorrow. And with things picking up at the university, surprising results of a recent study have been announced to the public.

In the past, there have been ranges of testing on the blood of schizophrenic patients. Schizophrenia patients have certain chemicals in their blood that most do not – and if said blood is ingested by someone without schizophrenia, it can cause hallucinations. And after the Light of May, a group researching this effect wondered, would it work the same for vampires? The results, they found, were immediate, and staggering.

Without fail, every vampire who tasted the blood of a schizophrenic donor experienced a high, comparable to what they experience with psychic blood, though much stronger. Hallucinations were reported in every experience. But that wasn't all.

Schizophrenic blood gives vampires the ability to see ghosts.

The medium abilities, along with the high, last as long as effects from any other blood type, depending on how much a vampire ingests. But wait! There's more!

The research group at the U of M was apparently not content to just leave it at that. They decided to truly test the capabilities, a schizophrenic patient who was also a psychic ought to be tested. Once a proper donor was found, 20 vampires tested the blood. Every one of them dubbed it 'the ultimate high'. Some of the vampire volunteers, who admitted to drug or alcohol use or even addiction in their human lives, insist it was far better than anything they can remember.

Um. Well. Maybe it would have been better for the vampire world to not know about that. How long is it going to take for vampires to start trolling mental hospitals?

Short answer? Not long...

If you have something you feel warrants a mention in the next time update, please let the mods know!

[info]sighofrelease in [info]light_of_may

You'll feel when the wind blows

Who: Caelia and Dashiell
Where: the grocery store/pharmacy
When: 8ish in the morning

She didn't know how long she'd be staying, but it was better to be safe than sorry. )