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April 4th, 2010

[info]drowningman in [info]light_of_may

So let go, jump in...

Who: Owen, Marisa and Edward Rook (NPC) and Hudson (NPC)
When: Evening
Where: The park
What: Family picnic

Are you in or are you out? )

[info]everflowing in [info]light_of_may

What if I wanted to fight?

Who: Jokull and Linnea
Where: Phonelines
When: Mid-afternoon

I said that I won't. I'll... I'll stop you. )

[info]thefirestarter in [info]light_of_may

Girls Girls Girls, At the Dollhouse in Scarlet Oak

Who: Ryan and Dante
Where: The Dollhouse (it's the strip club)
When: Night shift!

Night shift. How lucky was Ryan? Usually he had the afternoon shift with all the sad old farts and the one-legged strippers but not tonight. Tonight, he actually had a reason to look around and beyond the bar, and that made him very happy. So happy, in fact, that unlike usual he was serving drinks at the bar with the largest smile he could muster. Which could, at times, look a bit frightening. But Ryan didn't really care.

He was clapping when Desert Rose came on stage, all boobs and strawberry blonde extensions; he whistled loudly when Chardonnay threw her bra at the audience, and he even yelled some lovely words at Candi Jade. She winked at him, and Ryan winked right back. "What a fucking awesome work night!" He'd exclaimed at some point. Hell, he was even dancing to Motley Crue!

[info]iseethedead in [info]light_of_may

Explosive Friendships

Who: Evan and Graham
Where: Sunny's Diner
When: 9am

It had been a while since Graham got some quality night sleep and if it wasn't evident in the dark circles under his eyes, then it was evident in the third cup of coffee he was on. A bit hard to sleep when there was that impending doom lingering about that his ex-girlfriend would suddenly pop back into his dreams and mind rape him for more information. Not exactly how he felt like spending his evening. Even when morning came he didn't want to try for some rest. Autumn was off to work, thus leaving Graham alone... which was always a bad thing, because god knew what would happen. Staying around in her house sounded like a crappy idea and he was finding himself to get more and more annoyed by just sitting around in it all day. Thus explaining why he flipped through his old numbers, found Evan Forsythe, and decided to meet him up for breakfast.

Seriously, if dicks - aside from my own - didn't disgust me, I'd be a fag by tomorrow. )

[info]_hearnoevil in [info]light_of_may

So let go and jump in

Who: Naoki, Otter, Snowball (NPC), and Sitala (NPC)
Where: Park
When: Noontime

Such boundless pleasure, we've no time for later now. )

[info]paramedic_chick in [info]light_of_may

Control yourself. Take only what you need from it.

Who: Roxy and her parents (NPCs)
Where: Diaz household
When: Too early to be dealing with this BS... aka 8am

Decisions to decisions are made and not bought, but I thought this wouldn't hurt a lot—I guess not. )

[info]devilswater in [info]light_of_may

Hate is a strong word but I really really really don't like you

Who: Bradley and Dagmar
Where: The Owl's Nest
When: Evening

It wasn't a normal day, even for her. Dagmar had woken up with a tender head after the previous night's antics with Zach and, while she had wanted to do nothing more than lay in bed and watch a movie or something, she had been encouraged to leave. Not even just encouraged, but practically pushed out. So the water elemental had grabbed herself a bottle of water and driven her car off a ways before curling up in the backseat to go back to sleep. When she'd woken up it was near twilight and, instead of returning home, she had remembered something she wanted to do. After reading her mother's diary (an old habit she really needed to get over) she had decided that she needed to have a little chat with someone.

Parking her car, Dagmar climbed out at the Owl's Nest and walked inside. Luck was with her because she saw a familiar figure sitting at the bar with a plate of food in front of him. Good, she didn't have to get a waitress to retrieve him or any of that. "Hello Mr. Krasner," Dagmar said as she took the stool next to his, turning to face him. No preambling from her, not after she had spent most of the day in her car sleeping off a hangover. "Got a question for you. Why were you at my house alone with my mom the other day? Not really the sort of thing you're supposed to do with a married woman, you know." Her eyes were sharp. Dagmar didn't like her father, hated him actually, but that didn't mean that things like this were supposed to happen. Just because her father was a jackass didn't mean that her mother had to be a cheating whore. Yes, that was how Dagmar thought of it. And Bradley was, in her mind, the enabler.

[info]paramedic_chick in [info]light_of_may

When there's nowhere else to run, is there room for one more son?

Who: Alanna and Roxy
Where: The Court (Alanna's place)
When: 9am-ish

Another head aches, another heart breaks. I am so much older than I can take and my affection, well it comes and goes. )