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August 25th, 2009

[info]offtherunway in [info]light_of_may

Does it always rain this hard?

Who: Kikuya and open
Where: Kikuya's condo @ Cherryblossom Place
When: Afternoon

The rain bashed against the window, showing no sign of dying out. Kikuya watched it intently as she sat on the floor, surfing the web on her brand new laptop. Her coffee table and couches were still packed away in immense boxes, tucked away in a corner for the time being, which explained her current spot on the floor. Slumped over, she heavily rested her cheek in her palm while trying to decipher a majority of the websites she came across. She had came across a local, online newspaper, but it didn't help that her broken English couldn't comprehend the complex titles.

Words are serious business. )

[info]ex_beyondrep86 in [info]light_of_may

The land of the living.

Who: Jovie and Becky
When: Evening
Where: A cocktail bar in Ann Arbor

It had been such a busy morning at Kalos, that Jovie had nearly forgotten she had plans with the mall girl - Becky - that night. She might have canceled, but dressing up and going out to some place that wasn't that dingy bar Alex worked at was too tempting to pass up. So she called Becky that afternoon to finalize plans, thankful that the girl didn't back out as Jovie assumed she might. Since she had every intention of going to a nice cocktail bar, Jovie dressed in a knee length red dress, wore her hair down over her shoulders and didn't go overboard on the make up. She wasn't looking to get hit on, or pick up any men, but you never knew, right?

Driving her SUV to Becky's home that evening, Jovie got out of the car, not wanting to be rude and honk for the girl. She knocked a few moments later, praying that she wouldn't have to send Becky back in to change into something acceptable.

It'd be her good deed for a year )

[info]daywind in [info]light_of_may

You knew, right?

Who: Day and Christian
Where: The house
When: Morning

In the battle between shower and brother in Day's mind, brother finally won out, and he knocked on Christian's door before getting himself clean for the day. He needed to make sure Christian knew about all this, and, he thought vaguely, he might invite him along if there was a spell cast today or tomorrow.

But for that, Christian needed to be awake.

Of course I did. )

[info]hunterperegrine in [info]light_of_may

Search Party-ing

Who: Tayne and Brian
When: Early evening
Where: Back to the scene of the kidnapping crime

For the second night in a row, Tayne drove his truck a couple hours outside town to where the teenagers had been ambushed and kidnapped, joining the rest of the group of volunteers and police in "night-shift" search parties. Tonight he was glad to have gotten away, even if it was raining; he was feeling very uncertain about Johan at the moment, and being slept on and pouted at and told to lose his number for the rest of the night did not appeal.

He parked the big truck, rolled down his window-- so he didn't have to get out in the goddamn rain-- got his assignment from the local cop-- taking said big truck out along a dirt road a few miles down the road-- who was organizing the search pattern and was assigned a partner. Everyone was doing the buddy system, at night, just in case.

"Hey, Brian! Here's your ride!" the cop called, waving somebody over to join them.

Geez, how many of you ARE there?? )

[info]nurseboi in [info]light_of_may

Who: Justin and Squid
Where: Pond near Justin's house.
When Early afternoon

Justin rubbed his eyes as he sat, listening to his dogs playing nearby, wrestling over a brand new toy. it never mattered that when he bought treats for his pets he got each something. A lot like children, they all wanted what the others had, and more often then not just fought over each one at a time until everything was destroyed.

justin didn't care, though, he had his dog whistle and was working on a sketch of his sweet Alex. She'd up and vanished with barely a word, which was hard since she was going to originally help him talk to the gray witch about getting a fix, and now Justin had to hand deliver a letter to get his message across. It was a terrifying prospect for the shy man; going to a complete stranger for help when he couldn't even ask with his own voice. just stand there like an idiot and hope the police weren't called on him.

But for now, it was just the mental image of his Alex, laying down on the bed, her hair splayed and lips curled in a smile. It was easy for him to remember that bewitching smile, so he was already inking the work as the sun warmed him and he tried to let the peaceful feeling of being outdoors ease the discomfort of being without the girl he'd barely known a week.