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August 17th, 2009

[info]callsignphoton in [info]light_of_may

Whadda you wanna watch?

Who: Ben and Morrigan
Where: Local DVD rental store
When: late afternoon

Ben was in the mood for movie night. And movie night required movies, and when you had a respectable and well-paid job and a nice television set there was no reason for said movie night to be watched on the computer which, of course, meant a nice trip to the DVD rental store. Because Ben wasn't stupid enough to buy movies he wouldn't know if he liked.

Making the choice, however, was difficult. So much to choose from and he wasn't even sure what genre he was in the mood for today. So, he just walked around the aisles looking, thinking, reading the occasional synopsis. This was boring!

[info]lightofmaymods in [info]light_of_may


DATE: Saturday, June 13, 2009.

WEATHER: Harsh winds and rain start in shortly after ten, and show no sign of stopping. Definitely not ideal conditions for a search.

EVENTS: Grim news regarding the missing Scarlet Oak teens. The body of the dead attacker has been identified, and guess what? He's got several prior warrants for blood hunting. With this news, authorities are now treating this as a hunting case, and possible human trafficking.

In other news, Scarlet Oak fire chief Joseph Kenton has a press conference in the morning, confirming an arsen investigation in the warehouse fire two days ago. He also announces that he is a high-level fire elemental, though he refuses to comment on other speculations surrounding the event.

If you have something you feel warrants a mention in the next time update, please let the mods know!

[info]secret_sorrel in [info]light_of_may

Next verse, same as the first

Who: Erika and Chris
When: 1 PM
Where: The Flower Petaler, city limits
Rating: NSFW

There was being a gentleman and there was being an idiot. )

[info]demonic_water in [info]light_of_may

Who: Peyton Moder and Ren Valin
Where: Dog-Ink Tattoos & Piercings
When: June 13th / 2009 - 10:10am Opening

She couldn't keep her eyes off of one of her employee's tattoos and it just made her envious... )

[info]boundinblood in [info]light_of_may

Blood Delivery

Who: Spence and Ezra
When: Early
Where: Ezra's

Spence had laid low after the attack and abduction of the Scarlet Oak teenagers. He knew that after they had been delivered, they had been sold off, presumably all together. He didn't know to who, and he didn't ask. He had done his job, and he had been paid for it. The money was set aside for Daniel and Natalie, and that's all that mattered. He had the vials of blood for Ezra. One vial from each of the kids. He didn't know what supernatural abilities they had, if any, but he assumed Ezra would know. Or figure it out. Hopefully he would be content with what Spence could give him, since he didn't feel like being indebted to Ezra any longer than he had to be.

He had a small cooler in his car holding the blood, and he drove to Ezra's early Saturday morning. It was hazy and rainy... it fit his mood perfectly. Getting out of his car, he grabbed the small blue cooler and went up to Ezra's door, knocking loudly.

Not a very useful one. )

[info]armani_maneater in [info]light_of_may


Who: Cara and Jonas
When: Evening
Where: Jonas's

Perchance to dream )

[info]justadeadgirl in [info]light_of_may

Just a Dead Girl

Who: Ray, Open
When: Evening
Where: Heme

Just a very bored dead girl )

[info]playforme in [info]light_of_may

With a Bang

Who: Dom, Ryan, OTA
Where: Local hardware store
When: Mid-afternoon

A riddle, a song, and good company )

[info]force_of_mind in [info]light_of_may

Who: Blake & Jackson
Where: The Lowell Household
When: The wee early morning hours of Saturday. Well, not extremely early, but earlier than they should be up. Like, between 6 and 7...

Points to anyone who can guess what he's looking for! )

[info]in_the_genes in [info]light_of_may

Who: Danny & Remy
Where: Dog-Ink
When: A bit after two...

And the rain rain rain comes down down down... )

[info]_followthemoon_ in [info]light_of_may

Her Dying Wish

Who: Hal & Wally
Where: Hal's house
When: 5 AM

Wally finally worked up the nerve to try again. Even if his father was a strange kind of serial killer with that cage in the back... For awhile, he just stood on the front step, knowing that Hal was asleep. It was going to storm as well - he could smell it long before the rain even began but he couldn't tell exactly when it would start. But it was coming. So he needed to knock before it started.

So he banged on the door. It was loud but relaxed so it wouldn't sound fantastically urgent. He wasn't sure if he wanted Hal to answer or not. He was torn. If he didn't answer, Wally could put off this meeting for another day. If he answered... Well...

[info]ex_smooth_cr696 in [info]light_of_may

“A man who is 'of sound mind' is one who keeps the inner madman under lock and key.”

Who: Dex and Open
When: Mid Morning
Where: The Skeleton Key
What: Tending Shop

The rich luster of dark cherry wood counters, ivory offsets, antique skeleton keys here and there on the wall, the Skeleton Key was not exactly your everyday locksmith shop. Then again, Dex Byrne was not exactly your everyday locksmith. This time a month ago, he had been drawing out the plan for the biggest job of his less than legal career, that was more than thrilling. That was before lying low for the heat to cool down a little. A vacation, you might say.

Vampire bar attracting all sorts of elementals made it easier to hide two elementals and two psychics than in some place that was all fruity drinks with umbrellas and white sandy beaches. After all, Byrnes were not known for their ability to completely behave. This way they could at least not draw too much attention to themselves.

Setting his elbow up on the counter, and settling his chin in his upraised hand.

[info]loveless_heart in [info]light_of_may

Who: Morgan and Vol
Where: The Gym
When: Around 5 PM

It's funny how men still enjoy the gym. Richard Simmons does, too. That's right. Richard. Simmons. Just saying. )