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August 12th, 2009

[info]sonofmaia in [info]light_of_may

You haven't come this far to fall off the earth.

Who: Ced and Dylan
When: Early evening
Where: Many Paths

it was nice to have someone who knew what they were talking about in the store. Now they did get quite a few of real witches, but since the whole big reveal there were a lot more who -wanted- to be real witches. )

[info]ex_smooth_cr696 in [info]light_of_may

No More Mister Nice Guy

Who: Dex
When: Six months ago
Where: Detroit
Warning: Do not touch the younger Byrnes.

Some lessons need only be delivered once. )

[info]_spitfyre in [info]light_of_may

scream for me

Who: Bonnie
When: Six months ago
Where: Detroit
Warning: Not for the faint of heart, NSFW.

Bonnie pulled the stolen caddy to a slow stop outside of Bitchtit's place of work and killed the engine. There was a time when Bitchtits had had a name, and had sat at Bonnie's kitchen table and eaten Bonnie's food, but those days were over. When Bitchtits had been dating Ryan, she might as well have been part of the family. But then people started talking, about the things Bitchtits did when Ryan wasn't around. Things with men that most certainly were not Bonnie's brother.

Bitchtits didn't deserve a name anymore. )

[info]elizadoloads in [info]light_of_may

Coffee and a jackrabbit on a Harley

Who: Connie and Eliza
Where: Along the street
What: Late night coffee run
When: About 1am

Eliza didn't like to go out at night like this; late, alone and on foot. It was scary, and unnecessarily dangerous. But she was beginning to crash, and she absolutely needed to finish that project she was working on. Hence, the coffee run. It wasn't uncommon for her to need coffee at night; what was uncommon was that neither she nor her sister had bought coffee to make at home, and therefore she had to go out and get it.

Which was why she was walking as fast as she could without spilling everything. Because even Starbucks coffee with a lid on the cup could spill if you walked fast enough. She was glad she had brought a jacket; at least now the only cold place in her body was a bit of her calves and her ankles, from where the leggings finished to where the sneakers began. It wasn't very pleasant.

Don't talk to strangers, sweetie! )

[info]whitemagiclady in [info]light_of_may

Late Night

Who: Brogan and Vivienne
When: Just before seven P.M.
Where: Brogan's House
Warning: Slightly NSFW

Vivienne took a long nap after she got out of work at the salon that afternoon. Once she woke up, it was off to the shower to get ready to head over to Brogan's house. She was just finishing up her make-up when he called to let her know that he'd gotten home from grocery shopping. She talked with him for a few minutes while she finished getting ready and then hung up and drove the short distance to his home. Parking out front, she lightly knocked on the door. She was looking forward to spending some time with him and not having to worry about when she had to go to work next.

Thank god for the weekend.

[info]in_the_genes in [info]light_of_may

Who: Danny & Eliza
Where: Scarlet Oak High grounds
When: Shortly before the vigil and on

Memory lane can sometimes be akin to crawling naked across glass... )

[info]momma_cat in [info]light_of_may

Kissing the Boo Boo

Who: Isis and Niko
Where: Isis' place
When: Late evening
Rating: NSFW

Isis had cried herself to sleep. She'd woken up briefly when Niko snuck out to confront Seth. She was more worried about that than she wanted to admit. Not that she thought Seth would hurt him. It was just Seth was so chaotic and Niko had no survival instincts. This could be so bad.

Okay, now she was worried. She'd shifted to cat form to be comfy, but she wasn't sleeping. She looked like she was, but her tail was twitchy impatiently.

Where was he?

[info]halthegrey in [info]light_of_may

The Long and Winding Road

Who: Hal and Fiona
When: Early Evening
Where: University of Michigan Medical Center

Hal had dozed off a couple of times in the waiting room. He'd gone home long enough to fetch himself some proper clothing and call Julianna to ask if she'd come and have a go at mending Fiona's injuries. They were well beyond the pitiful amount of white magic he knew and he hadn't been able to reach Priscilla. And he'd rather cut off his own arm than call Harri. Not that the bastard would answer.

"Mr. Killborne." A very tired, stern looking nurse was standing in front of him. The one who'd tried to send him home a few times before. "She's out of surgery and awake for a little while. You can see her now."

It took a moment for Hal's addled brains to compute what she'd said. He felt like utter shite. Everything ached and he was terribly nauseous. He was blaming the cuts, back strain and the bastard tetanus shot they'd subjected him to. Bloody hell, even water tried to come back up.

He slowly rose to his feet, sparing the nurse a bit of a wry smile. "Thanks," he said as she walked him to a room. Clearly, she wasn't keen on him visiting Fiona. He wondered if it was because of him ignoring his own injuries stupidly or the fact he was clearly almost twice Fiona's age.

Not that he bloody cared. He waited until the shrew left before he limped further into the room. "Fiona, love?" he said softly as he reached the first curtain. His heart was in his throat about what he might see. She'd had a building dropped on her, after all.

[info]thefirestarter in [info]light_of_may

Who: Ryan
When: 6 months ago
Where: Detroit
Warning: Violence

Even back in Detroit Ryan had the habit of frequenting Strip Clubs. Well, not a habit, he wasn't addicted; in fact, he wondered if one could get addicted to Strip Clubs. Still, he liked the atmosphere in those places even if he wasn't always there for the ladies. Today, though, he wasn't at one of those places, but hanging out outside one late one afternoon.

There are simple things you should observe in order to live healthily. )

[info]rockin_waitress in [info]light_of_may

The Cat's Meow

Who: Emma Jane and Eric
What: Hanging out, getting the flowers that Chris sent her
When: Friday June 12, late afternoon

I'm obsessed with what would happen if we'd had never changed a thing )