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July 24th, 2009

[info]elizadoloads in [info]light_of_may

Girls will be girls, boys will be boys...and plot.

Who: Blake and Eliza
Where: Over the phone
When: Wednesday morning

Eliza had been sitting on this idea since the afternoon of the previous day, and the more she thought about it, the more she wanted to spite Danny. She didn't know any buff hot guys off the bat like that, but she did know the Unicorns? and one of them looked just the right amount of geek without even trying. She supposed nothing would piss Danny off more than to see her with a geek, since he was very much the jock type. She dialed Blake's number and waited for him to answer, all the while smiling mischievously and making breakfast.

That's what you get when you let your heart win )

[info]justhearmeout in [info]light_of_may

Early Morning Customers

Who: Verity and Ray
When: Morning
Where: Nevermore

With Rhys being gone on some camping trip, Verity had been more than willing to work some extra hours to cover, since she was always willing to do whatever she needed to pad her paycheck a bit more. She liked being in Nevermore, since the ghost of conversations she tended to hear were a bit more interesting than usual. They still bothered her from time to time, especially when the voices she heard were clearly upset or angry, but since she still had no clue how to turn the clairaudience off, she dealt with it.

It was quiet in the store so far, which gave Verity a bit of time to dust the shelves and counters as she waited for customers to start wandering inside.

[info]hiddenpsalm in [info]light_of_may

This Feels Better

Who: Psalm and Myra
What: Waking up and realizing that it wasn't a dream
When: Wednesday June 10, 2009 early morning

And this feels better, this feels better than it has in weeks! )

[info]irishbastid in [info]light_of_may

Baby Blues

Who: Aiden and Jules
When: Evening
Where: Their house

When she woke up being sick again, Jules knew something was wrong. It couldn't still be the salad from the day before could it? Pushing all the thoughts away, she'd went to work and when she got there, she spent the majority of the morning running to the bathroom to vomit. There was no coughing. No sneezing. It wasn't a flu. She didn't feel anything but nauseous. Taking her things home and the rest of the day off around twelve, she headed home and started to panic. A couple of hours were spent ripping through her calendar. Checking dates, remembering times that she and Aiden had gone out, times they'd had sex, when her last period happened to come along. She'd missed one a last month. No, it was two months ago. But that was stress, this months just hadn't come yet. Right? But... wait, she should have started a while ago. A long while actually. She'd missed two periods straight and...

a sign of the apocalypse )

[info]nurseboi in [info]light_of_may

Who: Justin and Alex
Where: Justin's house
When: Early Evening
What: First real attempt at gray magic.

Not How He'd Imagined It )

[info]splody in [info]light_of_may

Last summer home

Who: Parker (OTA - probably a Lowell)
When: 2:30pmish - Then around 4ish
Where: Lowell house

Parker pulled up to the house in his ancient Chevy Chevette. The semester was finished and his roommates had packed up and gone back to their Detroit and Topeka respectively leaving him to pack up and hop back over to his family home for the next couple months until the semester started and he began his final year anew. As he pulled the emergency brake, Parker pulled out his phone and speed dialed #7- the first number that wasn't a family number- and waited for the phone to pick up. "Hey, it's me." He said with a frown as he found himself getting voicemail as he got out of the car. "I just wanted to let you know I made it home safe. I hope everything's ok over there. Wish I was there- we're still on for the end of the month right?" Parker sighed as he opened the hatchback of his blue car. "Call me, or I'll call you later... bye."

Once he hung up the phone he walked up to the front door in his faded Green Day shirt and jeans and knocked.

All his siblings were out when he arrived, but his mother was in. He was greeted and they caught up a bit after he dropped his bag off in his room- which hadn't really changed since the last time he'd been there. Parker was told that Myra and Blake had gone on a camping trip but Blake had wanted to come home early so Jackson had gone to pick him up- but they wouldn't be too much longer.

[info]momma_cat in [info]light_of_may

You're Doing What?

Who: Niko and Isis
When: Noonish
Where: Vet Office Isis works at

Isis was petting the cat in her lap, making soft noises as the poor animal whimpered and mewled. The kitty was having a hard labor, it was her first litter and she was just starting. She was all too attached to Isis and wouldn't let anyone else get near her like this.

"It's okay, sweetie," she told the feline as she scratched under her chin. "It'll be over soon and all the real work starts." Not that the cat could really understand her as a human. But it made her feel better.

Maggie had chosen a good day to go into labor. It was slow as hell and if she hadn't, Isis would have asked to go home early. She was tired from her emotionally exhausting last two days. All she wanted to do was curl up in her blankets and nap until Niko got off work and came by to spoil her some.

Yeah, yeah, she liked him. She just wasn't ready to give in completely yet. It was too much fun to torture him.

[info]hiddenscars in [info]light_of_may

Photographer Turned Stalker

Who: Nate and Eliza
When: Mid-morning
Where: SO Gas Station

As much as Nate preferred to be doing other things during the day, he also realized that most of the time money was needed to do those things, which meant work. Which was where he was at the moment, standing behind the gas station counter and selling several cartons of Marlboros to an overweight, balding jackass who, even when standing perfectly still and counting out his money, sounded like he had just run ten miles in the scorching heat. After a few minutes, the guy finally handed over the damp money from his sweaty palms, and Nate rang him out before punching in the few buttons that would allow said balding, heaving jackass to pump his gas outside. After his customer waddled away, Nate pulled off the blue vest they made him wear, and announced he was taking a cigarette break. It was a quiet morning, after the early work rush, and he was going to take full advantage of it before his manager made him restock the nasty cappuccino machines.

that extra thing )

[info]calltothemoon in [info]light_of_may

A Call To Canada

Who: Scott and Niko
When: Early in the damn morning
Where: On a job

Who had a headless giraffe for a decorative shrub? Honestly... )