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July 6th, 2009

[info]madock in [info]light_of_may

So my girlfriend is a werewolf.

Who: Claire and Madock
When: Morning before the rain
Where: Out on the streets

Since she was still in the habit of getting up early, despite it being summer, Claire figured she would try something new and go running with her brother. She knew he got up early to run and then generally came home to go back to bed, so Claire thought maybe she could convince him to let her run with him, and then maybe get breakfast. What better way to celebrate exercise than by eating some greasy bacon and fattening french toast? She dressed in a SOHS Hockey t-shirt, a pair of running shorts and her sneakers before she pulled her hair up into a ponytail. She was thinking maybe it was time to change it's color again... Gabe had always liked it red, hadn't he?

Coming out of her room, she walked quietly across the hall to knock lightly at her brother's door. Hopefully he would be awake and getting ready to go running. Hopefully he didn't already leave.

Mating for life? )

[info]tillynilly in [info]light_of_may

Who: Tilly and Hawk
When: Night
Where: Tilly's porch and then somewhere in Scarlet Oak

For someone else the heavy rain might be a good reason to stay home even after having plans for the night. But when you wanted nothing more than to see your beloved boyfriend who had left you the most beautiful present nature could ever provide just hours earlier, the rain was no impediment.

At least this was Tilly's view on the subject, although her parents were less than happy about one of their daughters going out in that weather; even more so when it was a full moon. Not to say Tilly wasn't scared, but her own powers and the fact that Hawk would be there probably meant they would be safe. Especially if they actually walked around town and not at the park or anywhere near woods, she thought.

Wearing a flowery dress, pink wellington boots and a long raincoat, Tilly stood outside at her porch waiting for Hawk to show up as she felt the freshness of that rainy night, and the smell of the earth, that smell it always had when it rained. It was the best thing about rain, in her opinion.

[info]cursedthoughts in [info]light_of_may

Curse You Small Town

Who: Evan and Jovie
When: Early afternoon
Where: Coffee Shop

Jovie had gotten a late start that morning and had missed out on her morning coffee to get her store open. She'd only had time that morning to pull on a pair of jeans and a sheer blouse with a tank top on underneath, pile her hair in a messy ponytail on top of her head, and had to completely forgo any makeup in order to get into her shop and send off her requests to Europe to meet her supplier's deadline. Afterward, she grouched through her paperwork, and somehow managed to sell a silver chain necklace to some nerd with a cowlick who apparently - according to the thoughts she'd picked up when she delved inside of his head - liked to dress in women's panties when his wife wasn't home. It hadn't put her in the best of moods, but once eleven thirty hit, Jovie locked up and walked down the street to the corner coffee shop. She was in need of caffeine if she was going to get through the day. She had her non-date date with Alex that night, and the last thing she needed was to be in a sour, piss poor mood when she saw him.

Bitter? Maybe. Vindictive? Probably. )

[info]_happygolucky_ in [info]light_of_may

Summer Love?

Who: Madock and Jessalyn
When: Afternoon and Evening
Where: The park and a pond in the woods

Madock didn't mind the rain and when Jessalyn decided she did want to hang out, he was more than content to go have some fun in it. So he tossed a couple of towels into the back of his car and picked up the girl, then drove out to the park to just, well be juvenile and play in the rain. "Sure you don't mind getting wet?" Madock questioned as he parked the car at the park. He was looking forward to seeing her clothes sticking to her body, but he kept that thought to himself for the time being.

you're stuck with me )

[info]daywind in [info]light_of_may

Visiting a Friend (And Her Father)

Who: Day, Lacy, Kalous
Where: Lacy and Kalous's condo
When: Early evening, around 7PM

Day hadn't quite left when Lacy returned his comment on her journal. He didn't bother replying, he merely smirked, grabbed up his coat and his shiny new book on vampires so the two of them could laugh at how right or wrong things were, and headed out to his car. It only took him a few minutes to get to Cherryblossom Place, and then a few more to get inside-- after thoroughly blowing dry his hair with a stray wind, anyway.

He slipped in after someone else, headed for the elevator, and pressed in her floor. It was only a moment's walk from there to get to her door and knock cheerfully. Shave and a hair cut, two pence! was the pattern he used, just feeling whimsical, his book under one arm and coat slung over the other shoulder.

He just hoped her father wasn't home. It was rainy, right? Vampires could totally go out in the rain....