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July 3rd, 2009

[info]fireburning in [info]light_of_may

Rainy Day Blues

Who: Gabe and Chrissy
When: Morning
Where: In front of a Nail Salon

Chrissy was never the kind of girl who missed an appointment, especially one that had to do with hair or nails or tanning or anything that improved her appearance. Even in the rain, which she hated. But it'd only been drizzling just a bit when she got to the place and ran inside. Now it was actually raining. Not pouring, but raining. Drops of satanist water pelting the sidewalk in front of her. She stood there, looking less than happy beneath the overhang staring at her car. There was an umbrella in there. Inside the car. Through the rain.

"Why can't I be a fucking teleporter or something?" she asked herself aloud.

Water-phobic and an umbrella fetcher )

[info]snarkycorpse in [info]light_of_may

Push it!

Who: Eric and Erin
Where: Some diner
When: Dinner time

This random diner was awesome. Not only were people funny - and by funny, Eric really meant kind of sad - but the music was great. Classic stuff was blasting from some radio, really good classic stuff: Salt N Pepa's Push it. And you bet Eric was dancing and singing along in the middle of the hallway between the counter and the booths. "Ooooh baby baby! B-baby baby!" He sang while doing some Will Smith in Fresh Prince moves.

"Wooooo push it good! Push it real good!" The good thing about being dead is you could do this stuff at a diner during dinner rush without being seen and that was endlessly amusing.

[info]littlefoxchild in [info]light_of_may

In the full moon's light I listen to the stream//In between the sounds I still hear you calling me

Who: Mercy & OTA
When: Around Midnight
Where: Packlands outskirts
What: Foxing around on the full moon

The full moon. It was easily Mercy's favorite time of the month. She could let everything go and give herself to her fox. Foxes didn't think about the complicated things in life. She embraced that, giving herself to her instincts. Mercy just allowed herself to feel the night.

A rustle in the grass and mercy froze, her nose twitching. Rabbit. She loved rabbit. Her and her papa...No. No she couldn't think like that. Rabbit. She had to focus on the rabbit. She heard her prey rustling again and lowered herself to her belly, stalking forward. Quickly she pounced and the rabbit took off.

Mercy darted after her prey, the thrill of the hunt filling her, blocking out everything else.

[info]only_hawk in [info]light_of_may

Who: Hawk (solo)
What: Being a cute boyfriend
When: Sunday June 7,2009 8:30 am
Where: a field and then Tilly's house.

Love loud, don't loose loud )

[info]surf_fish in [info]light_of_may

Lions and Tigers and Weres, Oh My!

Who: Squid and Open
Where: Carnivale à Deux Côtés
When: Early afternoon

The rain didn't bother Squid as he wandered down the fairway of the were carnival. He lived in the water most of the time. Honestly, it was making being on land easier to bear. So he didn't bother with an umbrella or a raincoat. It wasn't as if he really felt cold.

There was so much...stuff here. He'd already tried his hand at few games and now had a rather hideous purple stuffed...something, a couple of little pieces of plastic that made noise when you shook them, and this cool tube with clear plastic on both ends that made pretty patterns when you turned one end and looked into it. A kaleidoscope. It was a fun word attached to a cool toy. So he remembered it.

And it was what had his attention right now. So much in fact, he didn't see anything else until he bumped into someone. Automatically he turned his attention to whoever he'd run into, making certain he hadn't hurt anyone.

He reached across his chest with his right hand, drawing two circles on his chest with one finger a properly apologetic expression on his face. ASL for 'Sorry.'

[info]girltimon in [info]light_of_may

Timon and...Dimples guy.

Who: Monica and Dorian
Where: at Nevermore
When: Afternoon

Even getting to play a human hooker plagued by an army of zombies didn't help Monica get the full moon out of her mind today. Somehow, because this was the first time she'd be turning since the showdown, her old plan of running into the woods confused and scared and hope for the best for a full weekend didn't seem so great anymore.

She stumbled upon the bookstore by accident, really, while walking around town absorbed by her own thoughts on her predicament. It was like she had two 'things of the month' and none of them was pleasant at all. Turning into a monster being the worse of two evils, obviously. It was almost unthinkable of Monica being caught dead at a place like that, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and she thought she might as well try the one bookstore in town that looked like it dealt with the 'weird stuff' specifically. Monica didn't know what she was looking for, though. Books on how to control yourself on full moons? Help dealing with it and trying not to kill random innocent people? She didn't know. But she was up for anything at this point.

'I tell you Pumbaa, this stinks!' )

[info]thoughtsareloud in [info]light_of_may

Who: Freddie and Rhys
Where: The Park
When: Afternoon
What: Walking in the rain and being cute.

The night before was absolutely crazy. He had a long talk with Blake about everything that happened and how he held Freddie's hand! Of course his best friend was supportive and just as ecstatic as him over it. It was hard for him to believe. How long had he been crushing on Freddie now? Since the junior high days?

This was why Rhys was nervous at the moment. He was currently at the park, waiting for Freddie to get there. No, there would be no umbrellas or even rain boots. It would be a random walk in the rain. Normal people would avoid the rain because they knew it would make them sick, but Rhys liked to do the opposite of what people expected of him, so this sounded perfect!

He stepped out of his GTO and leaned against it for a moment, appreciating the feel of the rain against his skin. It was incredibly relaxing.

[info]lorenkeller in [info]light_of_may

Who: Loren and Landon
Where: UofM Undergrad Library ("The Ugly")
When: Sun 7th, 2009 - mid afternoon
What: Doing research and uhhhh... getting hot and heavy. >.>

(( Fair warning: Sexual content within. You've been warned. ))

Loren had been struggling for hours with the assignment he'd been given by his pottery professor, tiring himself out looking through book after book. He had to do a presentation on a famous sculptor of his choosing, but none so far had caught his eye. He'd almost given up when Landon had joined him, all smiles and subtle impatience as he'd tried to help his friend. At last the two had picked a book and they headed toward the study room in the back of the library. Loren stretched his neck, arching it to the left and then the right, satisfied by the sound of his neck popping. It felt good after so many hours of scouring pages and pages of boring text. Loren hated this sort of shit.

The door came open easily and Loren glanced inside. "Good," he spat, eyes half lidded as he headed into the room. "S'not filled up like normal. I wish we could lock it though. S'a load in me ass when others come on in all loud an'obnoxious like they own the place." He threw the book onto the table and sat down with a sigh, so short that the edge of the table came up to his chest. "Bloody perfect," he commented quietly.