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June 15th, 2009

[info]i_can_has in [info]light_of_may

peace offering?

Who: Psalm and Bunny
When: Late morning
Where: The Phoenix hotel

Bunny was a girl with a plan. And she was being good, considering part of that plan involved Psalm.

Bunny had been utterly infatuated with Psalm ever since the day she accidentally took his picture a year ago and found that other things showed up whenever he was in the frame. Orbs, mostly, or specs of light or smears, but sometimes she could see the shapes of people. Ever since, she'd tried to take his picture as often as possible. She'd even snuck in a few yesterday, at Charlotte Angel's party, but she didn't think he knew that.

Today, as she approached the Phoenix hotel and let herself in, she was being good, and her camera was staying firmly in her bag. Even if her fingers were itching to drag it back out. She wasn't really sure what Psalm did here, but she knew from snooping that he worked here, and that he was working today. She'd figure it out.

[info]ex_monsterhu299 in [info]light_of_may

Who's the Monster Here?

Who: Annie and Mikhail
Where: Sunny's Diner
When: 8pm or so

Mikhail had been hunting this particular werewolf for a week. He'd almost caught him once, but the creature had managed to escape. Tonight, he would not be so fortunate.

He followed the creature into the alley. He stopped behind a diner, using a key to enter. The creature was still bloody, which meant Mikhail had found him too late that night. He'd have to settle for avenging whoever the creature had maimed, then follow his trail back to his victim, hoping he didn't have to finish off the poor soul. Damned weres and their curse.

The Rom blooded hunter barely managed to catch the door with his free hand, yanking it open to follow the werewolf. Damn, he'd surely have scented him by now. He wasn't surprised when the werewolf sprang at him, knocking them both down and into a metal kitchen table. Mikhail grunted and grabbed a pan hanging above him, slamming it into the were's head. He kicked the creature off of him, then rolled off the table, going for a handful of silver throwing knives.

He couldn't chance his gun right now. They had already made enough noise as it was.

[info]ex_monsterhu299 in [info]light_of_may

Music to Tame the Savage Beast

Who: Rowena, Mikhail, Caius
Where: A park in Scarlet Oaks
When: 11am

Mikhail read the news about the vampire film with horror and disgust. He'd also broken a window and now had his hand bandaged to show for it. And thrown out of his hotel for causing the damage, along with losing the money he'd spent on it. He didn't care. There were other dives to stay in and ways to make money.

And really, he needed to do something for his calm. It was completely shattered at the very idea people would want to see someone turned into a monster. That some fool human had desired it so much, he had fought (and thankfully lost) in court to gain the right. Madness.

So he'd decided to take his violin to one of the busier parks and earn himself some money, see what was going on and hopefully restore some of his peace all at once. It was something he'd done since childhood, playing violin for spare change. Before his mother was murdered, he'd play and she'd dance, much to the delight of the stupid gaje crowds. Then, he had played bright, happy music, perfect for getting people's attention and money.

Those days were gone, those melody's long forgotten. What he played now was dark and grim, although apparently just as compelling, given the small crowd he'd attracted. He noticed wryly a good deal of them were of the goth persuasion, probably vampire posers. How very ironic.

[info]deadthings in [info]light_of_may

Flirting With Death

Who: Evan & Dorcas ~ Finished Log
When: Morning-ish. With coffee. Urrgh.
Where: Forsythe & Family Funeral Parlor

The two most inept people on the face of the planet. )

[info]undercoverkitty in [info]light_of_may

Sweets for the sweet.

Who: Noah and Rowena
When: Around 8PM
Where: Noah's home

Rowena had spent quite some time at the part during the late morning hours. Apart from her little visit with Mikhail, she'd used the time to play her guitar and try and settle her thoughts of Noah. It hadn't really helped. He'd sent her the little gift box of cookies and judging by Caius's hyperness, they'd been well received.

She'd wanted to go see him that evening with Caius, but the boy had his sugar crash shortly after dinner and Rowena just didn't have the heart to wake him. Of course she wasn't about to not go to see Noah. So once she'd carried her son to his bed, she found the card with his address on it and set out with a little tupperware dish of cookies she'd made to return the sweet gesture.

She ended up on his doorstep after the sun had already set. There weren't any lights, but she wasn't going to just walk away after driving over here, so she knocked anyway. Lightly though, so as not to wake anyone had they by chance turned in early.

[info]in_the_genes in [info]light_of_may

Oh Lotto, You Make Me Laugh!

Who: Chrissy and Danny
When: Mid-morning
Where: Sarah's

Pomp and Circumstance Lingers... )

[info]ourowndevices in [info]light_of_may

Who: Artus and Morrigan
What: meeting for the first time
When: Friday Afternoon
Where: coffee shop

20,000 words in 24 hours, is that even possible? Why yes, yes it is. )

[info]landon_callahan in [info]light_of_may

WHO: Landon and OPEN
WHEN: Today
WHAT: We'll see?
WHERE: Campus.

Landon hummed faintly as he slipped out of the class-room and made his way to wherever food would be cheapest and easiest. His stomach growled and he considered pizza as he crossed the diag... but Chinese sounded good too. Around him the hum of everyone else was loud, his power acting up worse than usual this morning. It would be nice to have someone to eat lunch with, but Loren had opted out of classes that day, claiming he'd rather make money at bubble island than spend it at school.

[info]only_hawk in [info]light_of_may

Who: Hawk and Daffodil
What: meeting, getting a free lunch
When: late morning
Where: Ethos Café

Vegans always have a way of finding each other. )