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June 5th, 2009

[info]irishbastid in [info]light_of_may

Making it Better

Who: Aiden and Jules
When: Late evening
Where: Their apartment

Shortly after Jules got off work, she took a quick shower and put on a pair of shorts and a tank top, heading out of the bathroom with her towel still in her hand. As she walked, the towel got tangled amongst her feet and turning into the bedroom, she stumbled. Normally, it wouldn't have been a big deal. Except for the fact that she smacked her face, specifically the area around her left eye, on the nightstand beside the bed. An hour later, she already had a deep purple bruise showing around her swollen and throbbing eye. She could practically hear Aiden now, wondering how it had happened. She thought about trying to cover it up with make up, but it was no use. He'd see the swelling, so she decided against it and plopped herself down on the couch, awaiting his return.

Read more... )

[info]_happygolucky_ in [info]light_of_may

Give Me A Wink

Who: Ransom and Jessalyn
Where: The Weiss Residence
When: Late night

By the time Ransom got home, the house was mostly quiet, his younger brothers and sisters already put to bed. He had no intention of waking them and attempted to creep quietly up towards his room, well aware that he needed a shower. While he didn't mind smelling like Charlotte, the rest of his family didn't need to know about it. As he'd told Charlotte, it was hard to keep a secret when living in close quarters with a bunch of werewolves.

is she your mate? )

[info]cougar_cian in [info]light_of_may

First day on the job

Who: Cian and Open
Where: Public Bar at O'Leary's Pub
When: Evening of 3 June

Cian pulled another three beers, setting the glasses on the bar top and accepting the money from the punter. He'd settled in fairly easily, the other staff giving him the lowdown on the regulars when they could, and appreciating his willingness to get in and pull his weight with the tapping of kegs and emptying ashtrays.

Cian was enjoying the atmosphere of the small pub and the meals they served were about as authentic as he'd tasted since he'd been in the US. While he doubted he'd ever find anyone who could make stew and dumplings like Annie, he didn't mind the large bowl of it served up with still warm from the oven sourdough bread with lashings of butter. His appetite was always huge and it had been a huge attraction to work there when they said the staff could eat their meals there for free. He ate a lot, though one couldn't tell from looking at him, his body lean and trim thanks to his were, both the metabolism and the running he would do.

He'd just come up from tapping another keg when the manager told him it was his turn for a break, passing him a pint and jerking his head toward the Snug where things were a little quieter. "Go have a pint, y've earnt it," he said to Cian, Cian nodding his head in thanks and heading out to sit down in the small snug at the rear of the bar, booths each offering a modicum of privacy with U-shaped benches around small tables.

[info]addictedtofang in [info]light_of_may

Bad Night

Who: Jason & Selene
When: late afternoon/early evening
Where: Sarah's Place

Another day of finals gone and done with and another day closer to the end of school and beginning of summer. He was starting to dread the idea that he'd have to start painting houses again for extra cash, but with his new found 'friend' John... an alternate cash flow might be quite possible. He entered Sarah's and took a seat in a booth with a long sigh before pulling off his black overcoat and revealing his dress shirt that was undone a few buttons and showing off the white undershirt. Jason had just gotten off of work and decided to grab something not cooked in a microwave for dinner before heading home.

Selene had just started her shift. She was not a happy camper. Well, she was never a happy camper when she had to wake up at any point of the day. Waking was not her favorite thing to do. Not that she had a death wish. She had a... Rip Van Winkle wish. But here she was in her stupid little uniform with her stupid little skirt and her stupid little hat... And her hair up in pigtails, chewing some gum because it was kind of expected. So when a guy in an overcoat came in, Selene started her work by grabbing a menu and taking it over to his table. "Hi there," she didn't sound particularly friendly. More like tired. "What can I get you to drink?"
Disappointing night )

[info]_forhire in [info]light_of_may

In need of some fun

Who: Fiona and Syri
When:Late Morning
Where: Coffee Shop

Syri had texted Fiona and suggested they meet to catch up that morning. She'd been in town a couple weeks and hadn't had much in the way of work so she decided that now was probably the best time to get back with old friends- because who knew what next week would bring. Dressed simply in a pair of blue jeans with heeled black boots and a black fitted t with a red leather jacket, she'd ordered a house blend- black, and taken a seat, waiting for her friend.

Fiona hadn't been going much while waiting to start work. She had met that guy Spence, which made her grin to think of. She wanted that boy in her bed, oh yes. Shaking her head she pushed open the door of the coffee shop, looking for her friend Syri. She hadn't seen her in a few years and it would be cool to hook up again. Fi spotted her and rolled her eyes. She went to the table and sat. "Still dressing like a slut?" she said with a grin. She herself was in Doc Martens, tight fitting jeans and a purple v-neck t-shirt that clung to her body.
And need it now )

[info]lightofmaymods in [info]light_of_may


DATE: Thursday, June 4, 2009.

WEATHER: Heat waaave! Temperatures are expected to drop drastically overnight, but for the duration of the day it is hot and sunny, at record highs for this time of year.

EVENTS: Aside from the seniors, who finished yesterday, it's the last day of school for all public school students in Scarlet Oak! Today is a half day of school, with preparations starting for tomorrow's graduation ceremony. The Students of All Races in Harmony club's founder and president, Charlotte Angel, is having a year-end pool party, and the club has a minor mention in the newspaper for it's support of supernatural rights.

In the news, a group of activists is making themselves known and arguing that all movements should be dubbed preternatural rights, rather than supernatural. They are insisting that the word 'supernatural' is derogatory and racist, and that preternatural is the PC term. Not a lot of people seem to actually care what it's called, though. Whoops. Well, it was only a matter of time before someone was offended over something. Supes, welcome to the PC world.

If you have something you feel warrants a mention in the next time update, please let the mods know!

[info]annie_brown in [info]light_of_may

WHO: Annie and Hal
WHERE: His bookshop
WHEN: Thursday, noon

Although it was probably a bit much for one day, Annie still had planned to visit Hal's bookstore Wednesday evening, after her tumultuous meeting with Harrison that morning. Although she'd been able to discuss it a little with Fox, only Hal knew the full extent of her past and how she was dealing with it. She trusted his judgement; but more than that, she just needed a good friend.

A good friend that was out on a date, apparently.. )

[info]charlieangel in [info]light_of_may

reaching out

Who: Mercy and Charlotte
When: Early afternoon/late morning
Where: Phoneland

When school let out, like every year, Charlotte couldn't help but be close to sad. She liked school, and up until very recently it had consumed a lot of her life. But this would be her first summer with those amazing things called human friends (or human-shaped), not to mention a boyfriend, so she was excited too. She had to do some quick shopping before the pool party, so she headed to the nearest grocery store. Once she wasn't behind the wheel of the car, she pulled out her cell phone and started searching for Mercy's new phone number. She had gotten it from Valen, who apparently vaguely knew the cop she was living with.

She pressed the send button, not sure how Mercy would react to a party invitation right now, but at least she was offering. Charlotte wanted her to feel wanted.