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May 25th, 2009

[info]logansbrain in [info]light_of_may

Who: Kevin, Logan, Oscar
When: Morning
Where: Logan and Oscar's place

Do You Really Want to Hurt Me? Do You Really Want to Make Me Cry? )

[info]_clairevoyant_ in [info]light_of_may

Future Plans

Who: Gabe and Claire
When: Late afternoon
Where: Gabe's house

After Claire finished her sandwich and left Madock to his own devices, she finally decided to drive over and talk to Gabe. She took the car and drove across town to his house. She always liked visiting Gabe. He lived in some of the nicer neighborhoods in town, with plush green lawns, and nice houses. You wouldn't see a chain link fence in his neighborhood, the way you did Claire's. Not that she hated where she lived... okay, so maybe she hated it a little. But it wouldn't be long before she was gone from it all.

Parking in front of his house, she turned off the engine and got out, making her way up the drive to his front door. She knocked and then realized she hadn't even called or texted to see if he was even home. Or if he was, he could easily have company. She grimaced, but stood where she was, hoping he would answer. If not, she would just wait until school the next day.

either way, I get pancakes )

[info]itsakindofmagic in [info]light_of_may

Even Evil Needs Groceries

Who: Tanis and OPEN!
Where: The grocery store
When: mid-afternoon

The night before had been interesting to say the least. Tanis had enjoyed the evening at Heme- seeing what she was up against and seeing the types who came in there. A lot more hangers-on than actual vampires, she noted. The type for whom vampire bites were a badge of honor, and even those who actually wanted to become one of those horrible undead. And so much of that precious blood just being wasted. She could put it to so much better use. Which she had, later than night. One of her regulars "donated" a bit for a protection spell over her domain. Couldn't be too careful these days.

Unfortunately, sometimes the mundane had to take precedence. The fridge was getting a bit bare, and all the magic in the world couldn't fill it. There were even limits to what she could do. She wasn't particularly fond of going to the store, but it had to be done. She admitted she looked a bit comical pushing her cart and getting her stepstool off of it every few steps to reach the higher shelves, but she preferred that to asking a simple employee for assistance if she could help it. Unfortunately, the particular brand of cat treats she needed was just out of her reach on the top shelf, even on her toes on the stepladder. She would never dare to feed her felines anything but the best.

[info]sleeplessbear in [info]light_of_may

A Little Bubble Bath, Some Wine....

Who: Tabby and Rowena
When: Late evening
Where: A grocery store

Milk. When there was a six year old in the house, the stuff seemed to disappear. By the time you realize it's gone, you've got breakfast to be made in the morning and with a little boy who liked to get up at the crack of dawn, Rowena knew that she wouldn't have time to run out for the milk the next day. So Raina had agreed to watch Caius while she went to the grocery store to grab a gallon of milk. Or fifteen gallons with the way Caius drank the stuff down. She didn't bother grabbing a shopping cart because she knew what she was after. She headed straight for the coolers to locate that particular item.

Tabitha Jones probably ought to be buying milk. She was just about out of that, too. That, however, didn't mean she was going to. Instead, she was lingering in the liqueur isle, which was one of the ones directly between the door and the milk, trying to decide how many bottles of vodka she should get, and whether she wanted to throw in a bottle of whine or not. She was out of that, too. All the alcohol in the house was gone as of a couple days ago, and after a brief attempt at getting to bed early, well... it was obvious what she needed, and a bar sounded too loud just then.

... a phone number.... )

[info]seeingthehunt in [info]light_of_may

Suprise reunions

Who: Tayne and Vanessa
When: Late Afternoon
Where: Sunny's Diner

He'd told her where he was working and she'd not dropped by, well she'd been moving into her new place (which he'd not come to see yet) and getting used to her new job at the library (which fit her perfectly) so she'd not dropped by to see him (though he'd not dropped by to see her either)- whatever. Vanessa, in a pair of loose legged black slacks and a black t-shirt with a red faded rose printed on it and black books, entered the diner. She had a brown jacket and shoulder bag on, even though it wasn't too cold in June, and headed straight for the counter. One of the servers asked her if she wanted a menu, or something to drink to start her off and she shook her head. "Actually I'm looking for one of your employees... Tayne. I was wondering if he was working." She asked, tucking some of her hair behind her ear- she liked it down like it was, but it did have a habit of getting into her face.

Though the server blinked, she also smiled and said, "Sure, let me get him, he's in the kitchen." Then she turned to look through the window into the kitchen, didn't spot him immediately, and so she disappeared through the door in the back leading in.

Tayne appeared a moment later, scanning the counter for whoever might be looking for him. When he spotted Vanessa, he broke into a grin-- then winced and toned it down when it pulled at the scab on his lip. "Nessa, hey!"
And catching up )

[info]fooledyou in [info]light_of_may

Meeting Up with Old Friends

Who: Bella and Rowena
When: Lunchtime
Where: The diner

Rowena hadn't called Bella in a while and figured that she'd break the good news about moving back to town to her. She'd met the woman a while back when she was in town for the holidays, but they'd developed a pretty decent friendship and talked a lot over the phone. She hadn't told Bella she was coming back, mostly because she'd been having a difficult time dealing with everything surrounding her being bit and getting her things back to town and set up at her sisters. But, now that most of that was out of the way and everything had been situated in town, she'd called up Bella and let her know she was in town, leaving out the little 'permanently' part. Offering up lunch, she set up a time and decided upon the diner. It was much easier to keep Caius from getting antsy if he was stuck between his mother and the wall. Once they were seated, she told the waiter she'd wait to order until her friend arrived and settled in to wait for Bella.

Read more... )

[info]charlieangel in [info]light_of_may

Who: Mercy and Charlotte
When: After school, late afternoon
Where: Starting at N Kemp Ave

Charlotte pulled on to North Kemp, almost home now when she heard a voice distinguish itself from the normal buzzing Charlotte always heard. It shocked her, and made her jump slightly as she carefully slowed to a stop and look around. Something had cried out in pain. And Charlotte had never been the type of girl who was capable of ignoring something like that. She parked her car on the shoulder and headed through to a path of trees, following the voice in her head to its source.

It didn't take long to find. Once she was closer she could hear tweeting, and Charlotte herself was hit with the bird's emotions. Panic, fear, pain... Charlotte frowned and hurried closer. A robin had a sharp twig stuck in it's wing. Charlotte knelt down next to it. "Don't worry," she murmured, holding her hand out before actually moving to pick the bird up. "I'll help you. I understand."

The robin regarded her, unsure, but animals tended not to fear Charlotte. They knew automatically that she understood them, somehow. So it hopped closer to her, and Charlotte gently picked it up. Charlotte showed great care with removing the twig, smiling softly when it was better. "All gone. Can you fly?"

She heard the robin's voice in her head, about to answer her, before it stopped and froze, and there was the sound of something walking in the bushes.

[info]sinfulsong in [info]light_of_may

After work conversations.

Who: Jacob and Aria
Where: Outside 'Photographic Memories'
When: Evening

Aria closed up her shop, flicking the lights out and making sure all the blinds were down, then grabbed her purse and slid it over her shoulder. Searching through the handbag for her keys, she stepped outside and shut the door behind herself. It'd been a long day and she was ready to head home, but before that, she wanted to grab a bite to eat next door at the diner. She wasn't about to spend another hour cooking food before she could eat. Her stomach had been growling all afternoon and she hadn't eaten anything since breakfast so by the time she got the door locked, she was starved. Stepping out onto the sidewalk, she tucked her keys back into her purse and headed in the direction of Sunny's.

[info]addictedtofang in [info]light_of_may

Talking up the bartender

Who: Jason & Saoirse
When: Evening
Where: Heme (where else?)

Jason had -really- wanted to go to the opening of Heme, -really- really, but he had to be a responsible adult, teacher, person, and finish prepping the final. However, after this week (and what a week for Heme to be opening), he's a free agent. Well at least for a couple weeks until summer school. Sliding up to the bar as he slid his jacket off, despite the amount of dead bodies the place was still a little warm. He decided to order a bottle of water instead of something alcoholic, but because he did have to go to work in the morning so tried to flag down a bartender.

The place wasn't quite as crazy as it had been opening night, but there was still a line and a long wait to get into the joint. Saoirse had really found her bartending groove, and she was starting to enjoy the job. After being turned she'd become pretty useless, or at least it had felt that way. She hadn't worked or gone to school, she'd just dealt with what was her unlife. Now she felt... well, not completely normal, but the closest to it she'd felt ever since. She headed over to the guy trying to get the attention of a bartender and put her hands on the bar, leaning on her arms. "What can I get you?" Eh, human. Not surprising. There were just as many humans as vampires in the place.
Read more... )

[info]addictedtofang in [info]light_of_may

Taking a Gamble

Who: Jason and John
When: around 11pm
Where: Heme

Jason had finished his very interesting conversation with the bartender and proceeded to wander the club a bit. It was hard to tell at first glance which were vampires and which were not, but he didn't care too much just being there was a turn on. His fingers ran along the black choker collar he wore as his other hand still clutched his bottle of water. Jason found a table that was empty and paused a moment at it to take a drink without risking running into someone while he tried to do it on the move. God there were so many attractive (and quite a few unattractive) people in the room, he found it hard to keep himself down. Every accidental brush against him from someone passing or casual glance of someone catching his eye sent his insides in a whirl. His eyes catching someone and eyeing them up as well didn't help-like the thin blonde across the crowd. Shit, he needed a cold shower or something.

John was never more at home than he was when surrounded by a crowd. There was something about the ebb and flow, the life of the crowd itself. It was so easy to step aside, to watch unnoticed -- or to be noticed, if that was what he wanted. After half an hour at the club, John had decided that, finally, that was exactly what he wanted. And he had had plenty of time to browse the merchandise, so to speak. Now, lounging against the bar, his eyes connected with those of the young man whose seat he had taken. The vampire had pegged him for an interesting man immediately -- there was something about the way he moved, a certain tension, which had immediately caught John's eye. When their eyes met, his easy, just-for-you smile was at the ready, and he raised his glass to him with a polite, old-fashioned nod. The dark swirl of liquid in his glass was unmistakable.
And it paying off. )

[info]hunterperegrine in [info]light_of_may

Three Drinks Each

Who: Tayne and Johan
Where: A friendly-looking little bar
When: Early evening

On the whole, despite running late that morning and the lip and the nagging feeling of impending doom that was Heme, it'd been a pretty good day. Seeing his old English teacher, chatting with Jessalyn, touching base with his sister... and now an evening out with a good friend, Johan. Tayne showed up a bit early, after speeding through a dinner of quality fast food at the nearest Jack in the Box, and sat at the counter and toyed with his barely-touched first drink of the night, his usual black and tan, as he waited for Johan. Tuesdays were quiet nights at most bars, and despite the tourist influx, most of them were now flocking to Heme, so the bar wasn't really any more crowded than usual.

He pulled out his phone around the time Johan was supposed to meet him-- maybe a couple minutes early-- and texted the guy, I'm here, where are you? :P

Hold the UST. )

[info]dreamingfaust in [info]light_of_may

Into the deep end

Who: Jonas and Vivienne
When: Ten pm
Where: The radio station

Vivienne had applied for the nighttime radio host position forever ago when she saw the ad in the paper. Mix 99.5 WKLS. Who wouldn't wanna work on the radio. It seemed like an easy enough job and a cool one at that and she didn't work a ton at the hairdressers, just four days a week so five nights a week at the radio station just sitting around and talking wouldn't even phase her and she knew it. She was a night owl anyway. But she hadn't heard back from the station since she'd gone in to apply. At least not until a day or two before when they'd asked her to come in tonight and go on the air at midnight. Of course they wanted her to meet her new co-host and go over some things beforehand so she was asked to come in a couple hours early. She'd planned accordingly, worked her shift at the salon til six and then went to sleep til 9:30, giving her enough time to grab a quick shower, throw something on and haul ass over to the radio station. Entering the room the receptionist had directed her too, she glanced around at the chairs and set herself down at one, elbows resting on the table as she waited for this Jonas guy to show up.

Jonas wasn't too far behind, he'd actually seen her go into the building ahead of her, but had gotten distracted by the woman who'd been stalking him silently and wouldn't get out of the way of the door for him to enter- at least not until he tried to argue with her for a moment and she blinked away. Jonas finally arrived in the waiting area, in a pair of blue jeans, black tshirt and a long coat. When the receptionist saw that both of them were there she went back to get the station manager. Jonas, for his part, didn't seem to notice the other person waiting and stood there with his hands in his pockets.
and having fun )