
Posts Tagged: 'niklaus+mikaelson'

Sep. 6th, 2020




WHO: Humanity-less Elena and Klaus
WHAT A chance encounter
WHEN: Recently
STATUS: In progress
RATING: Medium

Read more... )

Aug. 17th, 2020




Who: Klaus Mikaelson and Hope Marshall (Mikaelson)
What: An awkward coffee date
When: Backdated to after this
Where: Coffee place near Klaus' gallery
Warnings: Maybe some talk of hybrid violence? Will update if this changes
Status: Log | Closed | In-progress

....... )

May. 17th, 2020




Who: Klaus Mikaelson and Elena Gilbert
What: Date night
When: (backdated) Saturday Evening
Where: Local restaurant then Klaus' art gallery
Rating/Warnings: None but will adjust if this changes
Status: Closed | Ongoing

xxxxxxx )

Feb. 2nd, 2020




WHO: Elena Gilbert and Klaus Mikaelson
WHAT Art lesson and more?
WHEN Saturday morning
WHERE Soleil et Lune
STATUS In progress

Read more... )

Sep. 8th, 2019




Who: Rapunzel and Klaus Mikaelson
What: Setting up for Rapunzel's art show
Where: Klaus' gallery
When: End of August
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

There were some artists in Orange County that were pretty spectacular )

Aug. 20th, 2019




WHO: Elena and Klaus
WHAT: Meeting up
WHEN: After her network post
STATUS: In progress

“Why” )

Aug. 12th, 2019




Who: Thomas Raith and Niklaus Mikaelson
What: Meeting at a bar
When: Backdated: Early June
Where: Random Bar
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Complete!

There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do. )

Jul. 22nd, 2019




Who: Finn and Klaus Mikaelson
What: Klaus convinces his brother to feed properly
When: Mid July
Where: A bar
Rating/Warnings: Mediumish for vampirism
Status: Complete

There were many things one could say about Niklaus Mikaelson, but breaking his word was not one of them. )

Jul. 16th, 2019




Who: Freya and Klaus
What: Freya essentially says ‘not today’ to the Dreams
When: Early morning, 16 July 2019
Where: Their place
Warnings: References to death
Status: Log | Complete

C’mon, Klaus. -Fight- )

May. 12th, 2019




Who: Freya and Klaus
What: Klaus dreams of Marcel’s death
When: Recent
Where: Their place
Warnings: None
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

You have something against red? )

Apr. 23rd, 2019




Who: Ozma and Klaus
What: Ozma is doing some art shopping
When: Pre plot
Where: Klaus' gallery
Rating/Warnings: None really
Status: Complete when posted

Let me show you around )

Apr. 15th, 2019




Who: Tyler and Klaus
What: Klaus wants to hang out with his old slave friend, Tyler
Where: A bar
When: Recently
Warnings/Ratings: Low/none
Status: Complete

I was just trying to figure out if I should find somewhere else to drink or not. But I’ll just take that as a ‘yes I should.’ )

Apr. 13th, 2019




Who: Elena and Klaus
What: Drinks
When: Recent
Where: Random bar
Status: Complete
Rating: Low

I wouldn’t have thought you lacked for company. )

Mar. 28th, 2019




Who: Elena and Klaus
What: Klaus convinces Elena to feed
When: Not long Elena turned
Where: Alley near a bar
Status: Complete
Rating: Mediumish for vampire feeding

If I can’t control myself I want you to promise me that you’ll stop me. )

Mar. 3rd, 2019




Who: Sara and Klaus
What: A couple of old high school friends running into one another
Where: A bar
When: February 6th
Warnings/Ratings: Low/none
Status: Complete

Klaus? What are you doing? You scared the hell out of me. )

Feb. 10th, 2019



Your boyfriend's watching

Who: Tyler, Caroline and Klaus
What: Klaus and Caroline team up to make Tyler turn back on his humanity
When: February 10th, Tyler's birthday
Where: Klaus and Freya's house
Ratings/Warnings: Gonna go with low/none
Status: Complete

Ex boyfriend. It should have been you all along. )

Feb. 6th, 2019




Who: Caroline, Freya, Klaus
What: Making plans to get Tyler’s humanity back
When: February 6th
Where: Freya and Klaus’
Warnings: Language
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

No one is torturing anyone! )

Feb. 5th, 2019




Who: Freya, Klaus, Tyler
What: Tyler attacks Klaus’ gallery and Freya and Klaus stop him
When: February 5th
Where: Solel et Lune Galerie
Warnings: Violence
Status: Log | Complete

Just what the -hell- is going on? )

Jan. 9th, 2019




Who: Tyler and Klaus
What: Klaus has some concerns about Tyler's relationship
When: Today
Where: Klaus's gallery
Rating/Warning: Low/none, some talk about Tyler and Caroline knocking boots
Status: Complete

If this is the kind of influence Caroline has on you, you shouldn’t be seeing her. )

Nov. 14th, 2018




Who: Freya and Klaus
What: Dealing with Dreams the Mikaelson way - drinking
When: October 7th, following this post
Where: A bar
Warnings: General Mikaelson related warnings?
Status: Log | Complete

Tell me sister, do you believe the words of someone you love have the power to shape who you become? )

Oct. 29th, 2018




Who: Elijah, Tyler, and child!Klaus
What: Getting Klaus to his brother
When: Backdated to the regression plot
Where: Klaus's place, Elijah's place, and everywhere in between
Status: Completed
Rating: Low

He could at least attempt to ask )

Sep. 24th, 2018




Who: Klaus and Katou
What: Second meeting goes about as well as the first
When: Early September
Where: Random alley behind a bar
Rating/Warnings: Klaus is snacking on someone, so there's that
Status: Complete

Geez, what’d she ever do to you? )

Sep. 5th, 2018




Who: Klaus and Elijah
What: Klaus walks in on a daggered Elijah
When: Early August - not longer after Klaus and Freya made up
Where: Elijah's place
Ratings/Warnings: Low/none
Status: Complete

You got that backwards, brother. Freya and Finn would be lost without me. And you would be too for that matter. )

Aug. 16th, 2018




Who: Tyler and Klaus
What: Tyler grows some balls and stands up to Klaus
When: After this
Where: Klaus's house
Rating/Warning: Low
Status: Complete

Do you think I care about your pathetic little life? )




Who: Jessica and Klaus
What: Jessica accidentally defenestrates Klaus
When: Recently
Where: Klaus's house
Rating/Warning: Teenish
Status: Complete


Aug. 12th, 2018




Who: Klaus and Elijah
What: Elijah tries to reason with Klaus
When: Late July. Before Klaus and Freya made up.
Where: Klaus and Freya's place
Ratings/Warnings: Low/none
Status: Complete

Invincible though you may be, perhaps you should consider not cutting absolutely everyone from your life. Especially your family. )




Who: Freya and Klaus
What: Freya has returned home
When: Hours after facing Dahlia
Where: Their place
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

He had every intention in giving Mikael a painting made from his ashes. )

Aug. 6th, 2018




Who: Freya and Klaus, NPC!DeadDahlia
What: Finally making up
When: August 6th
Where: Some street between The Pimpernel Outreach and Evie’s place
Warnings: Dahlia related warnings of gaslighting, manipulation, emotional abuse
Status: Log | Complete

No one touches my sister! )

Aug. 3rd, 2018




Who: Finn Mikaelson and Klaus Mikaelson
What: Klaus is back from his trip. He's not in the mood for sibling reunions.
When: Backdated: Late May
Where: A Bar
Rating/Warnings: Mentions of blood and death
Status: Complete

It had been a little over a week since Klaus had flown to Virginia and killed his father )

Jul. 12th, 2018




Who: Elena and Klaus
What: Running into each other- literally
When: Today
Where: On the street
Rating: Pretty low - light threats from Klaus
Status: Complete

Now I suggest you go. Before I show you the devil you dream of. )

Jul. 10th, 2018




Who: Freya and Klaus
What: Klaus is not happy with his sister, Freya isn’t putting up with it
When: Right after this
Where: Their house
Warnings: Mostly just Klaus and his anger though unnaturally high winds do occur
Status: Log | Complete

I will not sacrifice my sense of self and morals just to satisfy your ego )




Who: Klaus and Forwood
What: To cure Caroline's hybrid bite, Tyler tries to beg Klaus for his blood
When: This morning, right after this
Where: Klaus's doorstop
Ratings/Warnings: Low/noneish
Status: Complete

Please Klaus. I’ll do anything you want. Just please give us some blood. I’m… I’m begging )

Jul. 4th, 2018




Who: Klaus and Elijah
What: Klaus finds out Elijah’s new secret
When: Backdated to shortly after Elijah’s transformation
Where: Elijah’s home
Status: Completed
Rating Low

“Changed” )

Jun. 21st, 2018




Who: Tyler, Caroline, and Klaus
What: Forwood's first real date gets rudely interupted
When: End of May. Not long after this
Where: Orange Hill Restaurant
Ratings/Warnings: Lowish. Mentions of murder
Status: Complete

I don't know what your deal is, but you clearly have some issues. Taking them out on Tyler isn't going to solve anything. )

Jun. 11th, 2018




Who: Elijah and Klaus
What: A homecoming welcome
When: After Klaus returns from his trip
Where: Klaus' and Freya's place
Status: Complete
Rating: Low

It seems you forgot to have a life of your own )

Jun. 6th, 2018




Who: Elena and Klaus
What: Running into each other
When: After Klaus went home
Where: Beach
Status: Complete
Rating: Low

Forgive me for caring and trying to do something to help. I won’t make that mistake again. )

May. 27th, 2018




Who: Jessica and Klaus
What: Jessica wakes up with the bathroom sink
When: This morning
Where: Klaus's house
Ratings/warning: Low/none
Status: Complete

Was this how she died? Lying in some guy’s bed, crushed by a dream sink? )

May. 16th, 2018




Who: Tyler and Klaus, with a brief phone call from Caroline
What: Just two hybrids going on a murder spree
When: Tonight
Where: Out and about
Warnings/Ratings: Teenish/some light murder
Status: Complete

Your turn. Kill her. )




Who: Niklaus Mikaelson and NPC!Ansel
What: Klaus goes to find his father and ends up killing him
When: This morning
Where: Falls Church, VA
Warnings: Violence and murder
Status: Narrative - Complete

Hello, Father. )

May. 15th, 2018




Who: Freya and Klaus
What: Klaus wants to find his father
When: Tuesday morning, May 15th
Where: Their house
Warnings: Low- mentions of dream murder
Status: Log | Complete

Could you do a locator spell? )

May. 13th, 2018




Who: Klaus & Rose
What: Gallery Tour
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Klaus’ Gallery
Rating: Low
Status: Complete!

I could convince ya to give me a private tour? )

May. 2nd, 2018




Who: Elena and Klaus
What: Dinner
When: The night she went to his gallery
Where: Random Restaurant
Status: Complete
Rating: Low

... )




Who: Klaus and Katou
What:Klaus attempts to snack on Katou - he does not taste good
When: Recent
Where: Random alley to random bar
Rating/Warnings: Vampirism, minor violence
Status: Complete

You taste like plants. )

Apr. 26th, 2018




Who: Eric Northman and Klaus Mikaelson
When: Backdated: Early April
Where: A Bar
What: Old friends catching up
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Needing to take his mind off of the whole Peeps fiasco, Eric had decided to head out to one of the bars on his list )

Apr. 24th, 2018




Who: Elena and Klaus
What: Taking him up on his offer
When: A few days after their initial meeting
Where: Soleil et Lune
Status: Complete
Rating: Low

Tour-time )

Apr. 23rd, 2018



"I do appreciate a woman who knows how to drink"

Who: Jessica Jones and Klaus Mikaelson
What: A couple of strangers meet in a bar
When: Recently
Where: Some bar
Rating/Warning: Low/none, FTB at the end
Status: Complete

And I appreciate a man who knows how to order them )

Apr. 22nd, 2018




Who: Klaus and Evie
What: Klaus is not happy about Freya putting herself in a coma and makes that known to Evie.
When: April 5th-ish? After Evie woke up from her dead sleep
Where: Freya and Klaus' house
Warnings: Mentions of poisoning, otherwise just a bit of bloodless arguing

Freya’s alive, and that’s what really matters, is it not? )




Who: Klaus and Elena
What: First meeting
When: Recent
Where: The beach
Ratings/Warnings: Low/none
Status: Complete

Call me Klaus. )




Who: Klaus and Elijah
What: Catching up
When: Recent!
Where: Soliel et Lune Galerie to random sushi restaurant
Ratings/Warnings: Low/none
Status: Complete

It is who I am, for better or worse and I doubt you would have much success in changing me now. )

Apr. 14th, 2018




Who: Freya and Klaus
What: Klaus is not pleased with his sister
When: 4 April, following this
Where: Their house
Warnings: Low
Status: Log | Complete

That was a bit of a rash decision you made, sister )