
Posts Tagged: 'bonnie+bennett'

Aug. 1st, 2016




Who: Miles and Bonnie
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Castaway Cafe
Why: Meeting up
Rating/Status: Low/ Closed, On-Going

Miles had been in O.C for a while now, and within that time frame, life as he knew it had turned upside down. Between knowing Peter was here, his crazy dreams and abilities. Miles could definitely use for something normal in his life right now. What was more normal than getting something to eat with a new friend? Once that location was agreed upon, Miles would dress casual. Seems he would arrive there early as he came to order a cup of coffee as he came to take a seat outside. One thing Miles had gotten used to, was the heat. The heat here was insane, but he also had the beach which was fun to dip into from time to time.

While he came to wait, he would glance about, soon that webbing from his writs would shot out and take grab of that ice cream that was left on the cart. Miles laughed a bite. Maybe his new found abilities weren't so bad after all. Still for the moment he would wait for Bonnie to show up.

Oct. 25th, 2014




Who: Bonnie Bennett and Audrey Baxter
When: Sunday Oct 19
Where: Baxter Bakery
What: Job Interview
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Hi, I'm looking for Audrey Baxter... )




Who: Bonnie Bennett & Caroline Forbes
What: Bonnie's home and she wants to surprise her friend
When: Early afternoon on 10/17
Where: Caroline's condo
Rating/Warnings: Fairly low
Status: Complete log

Bonnie let out an audible whoop of happiness as she passed the Orange County sign. )