
Posts Tagged: 'clarke+griffin'

Jan. 12th, 2021




Who: Clarke Griffin & Maria DeLuca
When: Backdated: Early August
Where: Fangtasia
What: Hanging out and checking out new places to drink
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Ever since Clarke had heard about Fangtasia she had been intrigued by the bar )

Oct. 30th, 2020




Who: Vanessa Cleveland, Y'shtola Rhul, Regulus Black, Max Evans, Kate Fuller, Christy Nord, Andromache of Scythia, Raven, Hope Mikaelson, Echo, Finn, Kitty Pryde, Daryl Dixon & Clarke Griffin
When: Friday, October 30th – October 31st.
Where: Nightmare Before Christmas
What: This is Halloween!
Rating/Warnings: TBD
Status: Open

Characters will wake up in any location within Halloween Town or Christmas Town and get the chance to experience both holidays at the same time. Look out for Lock, Shock and Barrel or characters might wind up in their walking tub and brought down to Oogie Boogie.

Aug. 27th, 2020




WHO: Elena and Clarke
WHAT A random run-in
WHEN: Backdated to July
WHERE: Coffee Shop
RATING: Complete

Read more... )

Aug. 26th, 2020




Who: Clarke Griffin & Raven Reyes
When: Backdated: Late June; Just after the Earth Giants
Where: A Cafe
What: Random and potentially awkward first meeting
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

The last couple of weeks had been interesting ones for Clarke )

Aug. 14th, 2020




WHO Bellamy Blake and Clarke Griffin.
WHAT. Clarke runs into someone from the dreams.
WHEN. Uh? June. Last day or two of school.
WHERE. Hospital.

Now try not to get hit with any more baseballs. )

Jun. 10th, 2020




Who: Clarke Griffin & John Murphy
When: Backdated: Early May
Where: A Book Store
What: Random Meeting of Dream Acquaintances.
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

One of Clarke’s favorite places to be, besides a hospital, was the bookstore )

Apr. 14th, 2020




Who: Clarke Griffin & Maria DeLuca
When: Backdated: Fourth week of March
Where: A Club
What: The Quarantine has been lifted; time to have some fun
Rating/Warnings: Mostly Family Friendly
Status: Complete

The last couple of weeks had been extremely long and stressful so Clarke was glad that the world appeared to be going back to normal )

Jul. 11th, 2015




Who: Rick Grimes [info]rick & Clarke Griffin [info]skaiprincess
What: Random Encounter
When: Sunday, July 5, midday
Where: The Farmer's Market
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: None I can think of at this time.
Status: Closed/Completed GDoc for Partner Threads

Anything in particular you're looking for, ma'am? )