
Posts Tagged: 'river+song'

Dec. 1st, 2017




Who: River Song and Tony Stark
What: Demon fighting
Where: Some random street
When: Demonic invasion.
Warning: Demons and fighting.
Status: Complete.

Everybody was zombie fightin’ )

Oct. 7th, 2017




Who: River Song and Grog
What: Fighting during the temples
Where: Some street
When: During the temples plot
Warning:Some violence.
Status: Complete
Read more... )




Who: River and Tony Stark
When: Late May
Where: Jupiter, in the future.
What: River Showing off.
Rating/Warning: Low
Status: Complete
Read more... )

Aug. 19th, 2017




Who: Martha Jones and River Song
What: Wine, bonding and sonic screwdrivers
When: Backdated: Mid June
Where: River's Place
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete!

Martha had never known River in the dreams )

May. 25th, 2017




WHO: Cameron and Melody/River
WHAT: A first meeting, and the invasion of stormtroopers
WHEN: During the Star Wars weekend
WHERE: University.
WARNINGS: Violence
STATUS: Closed and Complete
With Melody Williams at the helm, how could it be? )

Feb. 13th, 2017




WHO: Joan Watson & River Song
WHEN: Early Feb
WHERE: Bookstore
WHAT: Joan is looking into ancient Egyptian's, Dr Melody helps.
STATUS: Complete

The Agency was a great help, really. Researching with the Occult Division gave her more access to solid information than anywhere else might, and she had the tools to check and reference everything she needed to. )

Nov. 30th, 2016




Who: Marguerite and Melody/River
What: Some peaceful protesting
When: Recently
Where: Los Angeles
Warnings: Low
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

The time for keep calm and carry on was over. It was time to fight tooth and nail for the things that mattered most. )




Who: Clara and River.
What: River really needs a drink.
When: Right after she’s made her first network post.
Where: Some bar.
Rating/Warnings: Low/None; drinking and flirting, maybe?
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

Now sweetie, are you saying that I shouldn’t be surprised if you did manage to come up in one of my little old dreams? )

Mar. 24th, 2016




Who: River Song and Twelve
What: The Doctor and River meet and as usual it's in the wrong order.
When: Backdated: Mid February
Where: A Park near UC Irvine
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete!

River had a feeling that she’d had one of those dreams that everyone was always talking about )

Feb. 28th, 2016




Who: River Song and Wanda Maximoff
What: Random Meeting
When: Backdated: Mid February
Where: A Cafe
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly
Status: Complete!

Aside from the odd dream she’d had, River was enjoying her time in Orange County )