
Posts Tagged: 'nick+wilde'

Aug. 1st, 2017




Who: Ruby Lucas & Nick Wilde
What: Bringing the grump coffee and coaxing him out of his shell a little
When: Today
Where: At work, po-po station
Rating/Warnings: Pretty squeaky clean!
Status: Complete

Maybe if I say the paperwork attacked me and nearly caused a serious injury, I can get out of it. )

Mar. 6th, 2017




Who: Nick and Static
What: Stopping some robbers
When: Recently
Where: A warehouse somewhere
Rating/Warning: Low/none
Status: Complete

Looks like the po-po’s already here )

Jan. 31st, 2017




Who: Judy and Nick
What: Mistletoe shenanigans
When: Backdated to the start of the Mistletoe plot last month
Where: Outside the IPD
Rating/Warnings: Teenish/Some language but otherwise tame
Status: Complete

Today was going to be awkward as hell. )

Jan. 10th, 2017




Who: Nick Wilde & Tas
What: Tas is in prison and he has very srs complaints
When: Recentish
Where: The jail
Rating/Warnings: Not much!
Status: Complete

I’d like to make a complaint )

Dec. 2nd, 2016




Who: Nick and Judy
What: First meeting
When: Late September
Where: The precinct and then driving around
Rating/Warnings: Noooone?
Status: Complete

Well, I can’t really say no to coffee even if it may be a little stereotypical of us )