
Posts Tagged: 'morgana+pendragon'

Sep. 10th, 2014



log; arthur and morgana pendragon

Who: Morgana and Arthur Pendragon
What: Surprise! She’s home!
When: Wednesday Sept 10. Afternoon/Evening.
Where: Arthur’s place.
Rating/Warnings: R for safety? Who knows what Arthur will say!
Status: Incomplete log. Finishing in comments?

She put on her brightest smile before knocking on the door.  )

Jul. 20th, 2013




Who: About half of Katie's pups (see the tags for exactly who!) and you! Open log free-for-all!
What: Anything and everything is possible. Especially with Zoey.
When: Sometime in July.
Where: Various places. Check the subject line!
Rating: Probably nothing too much?
Status: Open, and therefore eternally in progress? I guess?

Seriously, throw whoever at these guys. They won't bite. <3 If there's anyone there you want who isn't there, poke me and I'll come up with something for them too!

Jun. 20th, 2013




Who: Merlin and Morgana
When: After he starts dating Audrey
Where: Their place
What: Catching up and revelations
Rating/Warnings: Low - innuendo
Status: Complete

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Apr. 26th, 2013




Who: Morgana Pendragon and Gwen McMillian
What: When two women love each other very much...
When: St Patrick's Day.
Where: Gwen's place.
Rating: Most definitely NC-17, due to sexings.
Status: Complete.

Give me a moment. I can’t really remember how my legs work. )

Feb. 21st, 2013




Who: Guenevere McMillian, Tenoh Haruka and a bonus appearance by Morgana Pendragon
What: Haruka's getting Gwen ready for her new job.
When: Backdated to around the 15th
Where: Various places.
Rating: Uh. PG for mostly-unconscious flirting? There are a few references to Gwen's father's medical situation too.
Status: Complete.

Well, a burlesque club. Still nice, though. )

Dec. 26th, 2012




Who: Morgana and Merlin
Where: Their home
What: Random flatmates
When: After Christmas
Warnings/Rating: PG? If that.
Status: Ongoing

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