
Posts Tagged: 'kiera+cameron'

Nov. 11th, 2014




Who: Kiera Cameron, Booker DeWitt
What: Random Encounter
When: Mid-September, Friday
Where: A bar.
Rating/Warnings: Low. Maybe some mention of alcoholism.
Status: Complete!

She watched the room as she waited for her drink, not quite able to turn off the part of her that always would be a cop. )

Sep. 28th, 2014




Who: Kiera Cameron (Narrative)
What: Dream Things
When: Late September, Early Morning
Where: Her Apartment
Rating/Warnings: Low. Just some minor cursing.
Status: Complete!

Kiera didn’t believe the dreams were real. It was just stress. The way people talked about them, it made it seem real, like there was something there. But they were just dreams. Weren’t they? )