
Posts Tagged: 'raoul+de+chagny'

Apr. 7th, 2013



Who: Christine DaaƩ and Raoul de Chagny
When: Sunday evening
Where: Raoul's apartment
What: These two have been officially dating since Valentine's Day but have been keeping it a secret. They need to have a Talk.
Rating: none
Status: in-progress

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Feb. 20th, 2013



Who: Raoul and Obi-wan, Raoul and Erik
What: M. de Chagny has recently purchased a theatre that's fallen into disrepair. Both Obi-wan and Erik offered to do construction on the building, but first they must see it. Two appointments between Raoul and his potential employees.
When: Monday and Tuesday mornings (backdated)
Where: Raoul's (currently unnamed) theatre
Rating: low, just talking business
Status: in-progress

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Feb. 15th, 2013



Who: Christine Daae & Raoul de Chagny
When: Valentine's Day
Where: Some fancy restaurant
What: Raoul treats Christine to a fancy Valentine's dinner and they're ridiculuosly adorable
Rating: The two may not get past PG for a very long time
Status: In Progress

Little )

Feb. 5th, 2013


Let her mind wander

Who: Christine Daae & Raoul de Chagny
When: Shortly after his post on the network
Where: His theater
What: Reuniting with childhood sweethearts
Status: In Progress

Am I fonder of dolls or goblins and ghouls? )