
Posts Tagged: 'varda'

May. 16th, 2014



"So what would the starkindler ask of me?"

Who: Varda, Faramir
What: Seeking advice, discussing their canon lives.
When: Today, around 3:30
Where: Baxter's!
Rating/Warnings: Family Friendly.
Status: Complete!

I suppose what the Starkindler would ask... is simply, advice. )

May. 12th, 2014



“I see you really are as smart as you seem.”

Who: Varda, Boromir
What: Finally, they get their date!
When: Saturday, 5/10
Where: A farm-to-table restaurant in Newport Beach.
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, no real warnings.
Status: Complete!

I think we could probably dispense with the platitudes. We both know we find each other attractive and I think it goes without saying that we respect each other's intelligence. )

Apr. 11th, 2014




Who: Varda, Hanna
What: Hanna has a date, Varda is onto her.
When: 4/1, First day of the Age Plot.
Where: A club somewhere.
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for beer consumption.
Status: Complete!

I didn’t haves a normal childhood. I don’t care about beings young any more. )

Mar. 17th, 2014



Who: Ororo and Varda
What: Varda appraises N'Dare's Ruby
When: 3/8 or so
Where: Varda's workshop
Rating/Warning: Family friendly/no warnings
Status: Complete

The privilege was all mine )

Mar. 10th, 2014




Who: Varda, Natasha, Wade, Alice.
What: Many meetings at a hotel bar.
When: 03/05
Where: A hotel bar.
Rating/Warnings: PG-13 for drinking?
Status: Complete!

But he was still interesting. He kept muttering about El Pollo Loco. I''m still not sure why. )