
Posts Tagged: 'temeraire'

Apr. 30th, 2017




Who: Temeraire
When: During the Static Shock Plot
Where: Roof of Temeraire’s apartment building
What: Art, watching the night sky, contemplation
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete.

How many dreams did he have left before they would stop? )

Mar. 6th, 2017




Who: Laurence and Temeraire
What: Getting to know one another
When: February
Where: Temeraire's apartment
Rating/Warning: Low/none
Status: Complete

Before he’d dreamed of meeting a dragon, and before he’d heard that the teenager in front of him dreamed of being said dragon )

Jan. 27th, 2017




Who: Temeraire
When: January 25th
Where: Temeraire’s apartment
What: Temeraire is musing over running into William and having one of the Dreams
Rating/Warnings: Low, one swear
Status: Closed.

What did his dad always say? The world is smaller than you think, but a pond when it comes to the Armed Services. )