
Posts Tagged: 'madame+vastra'

Jul. 22nd, 2013



"Maybe I should just give up..."

Who: Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint
What: Working together
When: Shortly after this.
Where: Jenny's place
Rating: PG-13, at most? There's swears and some UST and that's about it.
Status: Complete.

There’s no need to give in. Not so soon. )

Jul. 20th, 2013




Who: About half of Katie's pups (see the tags for exactly who!) and you! Open log free-for-all!
What: Anything and everything is possible. Especially with Zoey.
When: Sometime in July.
Where: Various places. Check the subject line!
Rating: Probably nothing too much?
Status: Open, and therefore eternally in progress? I guess?

Seriously, throw whoever at these guys. They won't bite. <3 If there's anyone there you want who isn't there, poke me and I'll come up with something for them too!

Jun. 20th, 2013



"Do be careful, Miss Flint."

Who:Madame Vastra and Jenny Flint
What:Vastra comes over to tend to an ill Jennny
When:Shortly after this
Where:Jenny's flat
Rating:PG-13 for a very brief mention of nudity.

I would be fine, Ma’am )