
Posts Tagged: 'fenris'

Apr. 21st, 2016




Who: Rosalind Lutece and Open Fenris
What: Drinking coffee, trying to work
When: Thursday, mid-morning
Where: Some café near the beach
Rating/Warnings: None at the moment
Status: Open/Complete

*~*~*~* )

May. 22nd, 2015




Who: Anders and Van (Fenris)
When: Recently.
Where: Anders’ Clinic
What: Anders treats a late night patient.
Rating/Warnings: Gunshot wounds, all the doctory stitchy stuff that comes with that
Status: Complete

Van leaned against the building, trying to look nonchalant but probably just looking like he’d just been shot. )

Mar. 24th, 2013




Who: Scootaloo and Fenris
What: Random encounter at the mall
When: March 24th, about noon.
Where: The mall~
Rating: TBD, at most PG-13.
Status: In progress

I've got to get better clothes )

Jan. 29th, 2013



"All we need is Andraste’s tits, and we’d be at the Hanged Man."

Who: Fenris and Varric
What: Stuff!
When: Recently.
Where: Hawke’s comedy club, because Fenris never leaves or something.
Rating: Uh. PG13 for Andraste's Sacred Boobs?
Status: Complete!

How are things, Elf? It’s been awhile. )

Oct. 30th, 2012



Don't look so suspicious Fenris, I'm hardly up to anything at all.

Who: Bethy and Fenris
What: Bethy begins phase 1 of ‘get Marian married and knocked up’
When: Last Friday
Where: I dunno?
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13 for mention of Isabela's lack of pants

You’re a Hawke. You’re always up to something. )

Jul. 18th, 2012




WHO: Marian Hawke & Fenris.
WHAT: Reconciliation.
WHERE: Hawke's Apartment.
WHEN: After Bethany wakes up.

I knew you'd come back. )

Jul. 14th, 2012




Who: Bethany, Fenris, and open to the other Hawkes
What: Bethany is attacked! Dun dun dun
Where: Near Marian's Comedy Club
Status: In Progress
Rating: PG-13 for violence

She's a monster )

Jul. 6th, 2012




WHO: Marian Hawke & Fenris
WHAT: All That Remains
WHEN: Late Friday/Early Saturday Morning
WHERE: Marian's apartment
WARNINGS: Discussions of character death, adult situations and general not-okay-for-childreness.

Marian had never understood the phrase 'feeling numb' before this moment. )

Jul. 1st, 2012




WHO: Marian Hawke & Fenris
WHAT: Discussing dreams and possibly drinking (who am I kidding, totally drinking.)
WHEN: After this discussion, although they don't get to manage a 'date' until Sunday night.
WHERE: Starting at Hangman
WARNING: Some slight language and suggestion. PG.

Freedom was interesting while it lasted. )

Jun. 6th, 2012




Who: Hawke and Fenris
What: Dreams are crazy. Hawke is too (or so Fenris says)
When: After these texts
Where Hawke's club. Or thereabouts.
Rating: Let's just say PG13 for Hawke.
Status: Complete.

See for yourself. The legacy of the magisters. )

May. 31st, 2012




WHO: Marian and Fenris
WHERE: Shopping and snarling.
WHY: Because awkward dreams are awkward.
WHEN: Thursday Afternoon
WARNING: PG13 ish for massive UST

You lead me to strange places. )