
Posts Tagged: 'rythian+enderson'

Jun. 22nd, 2013



"So... You are having fun, right?"

Who: Zoeya Proasheck and Rythian Enderson
What: Feels! Inappropriate things on TV! Them getting way, way too hands-on with each other!
When: The evening of 14th June
Where: In their hotel room
Rating: NC-17 because ohgod that went downhill quickly. We blame the Spice Girls.
Status: Complete.

I think I keep even seeing you smiling~ )

Jun. 14th, 2013



"Use your words, Rythian!"

Who: Zoeya Proasheck and Rythian Enderson
What: Zoey wants to make peace.
When: Shortly after this
Where: Rythian’s place. Zoey found his address on the internet!
Rating: PG13. Maybe a slight TW for talk of accidental injuries.
Status: Complete!

That way, I can understand you, and then it’ll all be awesome and supercool. )

Jun. 11th, 2013



Zoethian will be a thing, okay?

Who: Zoeya Proasheck and Rythian Enderson
What: Zoey wants Rythian to be more adventurous. Also, less drunk.
When: At some point after this
Where: Some nice diner that Zoey knows that is totally superawesome, and the nearby area
Rating: PG!
Status: Complete!

...and argue about which superhero’d win in a fight! )