
Posts Tagged: 'guinevere+pendragon'

Jan. 18th, 2017




Who: Guinevere and Lowell
What: Gwen mistakes Lowell for someone else
Where: Grocery store
When: Early November
Warning/Rating: Low/none
Status: Complete

And here I always thought I’d look strange with blond hair. )

Jan. 15th, 2017




Who: Arthur Pendragon ([info]willriseagain, Guinevere ([info]gracefulmaiden, Audrey ([info]bidabble & Merlin ([info]mythandmagic) w/ appearances by Ben and Bea
Where: Arthur's apartment
When: Day after Thanksgiving
What: Post celebration, celebration between pseudo-family
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Read more... )

Dec. 25th, 2016




Who: Guinevere Pendragon and Arthur Pendragon
When: September 17th, 2016 BACKDATED
Where: Gwen’s place
What: Celebratory dinner!
Rating/Warnings: TBD
Status: Complete!

“...” )

Sep. 28th, 2016




Who: Gwen and Annie
What: Random meeting
When: Mid September
Where: A Farmers Market
Warnings: Low
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

That one is based off the Welsh name Gwenhwyfar. )

Aug. 28th, 2016




Who: Arthur & Gwen
What: Dinner and talking
Where: Local Restaurant
When: Not long before the school year starts again
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Read more... )

Jun. 28th, 2016




Who: Stefan Salvatore and Guinevere Pendragon
When: Mid May
Where: Gas station
What: Talking with the person at the next pump
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Read more... )

Jan. 31st, 2016




Who: Guinevere Pendragon and Hisoka Kurosaki
When: Sometime in January
Where: The greenhouse Hisoka volunteers at
What: Gwen wants plants and/or seeds for her students
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete when posted

”........” )

Sep. 27th, 2015




Who: Guinevere and Audrey
When: Late August
Where: Baxter Bakery
What: Talking/catching up
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete when posted

”........” )

Jul. 4th, 2015




Who: Merlin & Audrey and OPEN to those invited
When: July 4th
Where: Their home
What: BBQ
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~*~*~*~*~*~*~ )

[OOC: Merlin and Audrey are hosting a small BBQ for July 4th for their close friends. Currently this is Nina, Gabe, Gwen, Lance, Gwen Stacy, Michael, Neal and Ruby. Feel free to start your own threads]

Jun. 12th, 2015




Who: Gwen and Merlin
When: Saturday, April 18th
Where: Baxter Bakery
What: Friends grabbing lunch
Rating: Low/None
Status: Complete

~*~*~*~ )

Nov. 29th, 2014




Who: Gwen and Lance
When: Early October.
Where: Baxter Bakery.
What: A chance meeting.
Rating/Warnings: Low/None.
Status: Complete when posted.

I do have it on good authority that the pumpkin spice cookies are pretty great. )

Jun. 23rd, 2013



"I umm...I have a girlfriend."

Who: Guenevere Pendragon and Merlin
What: Merlin says he has a girlfriend!
When: A week or so back.
Where: A coffee shop!
Rating: PG!
Status: In progress, posting rest when complete.

I thought you were gay?! )

Apr. 26th, 2013




Who: Morgana Pendragon and Gwen McMillian
What: When two women love each other very much...
When: St Patrick's Day.
Where: Gwen's place.
Rating: Most definitely NC-17, due to sexings.
Status: Complete.

Give me a moment. I can’t really remember how my legs work. )

Feb. 21st, 2013




Who: Guenevere McMillian, Tenoh Haruka and a bonus appearance by Morgana Pendragon
What: Haruka's getting Gwen ready for her new job.
When: Backdated to around the 15th
Where: Various places.
Rating: Uh. PG for mostly-unconscious flirting? There are a few references to Gwen's father's medical situation too.
Status: Complete.

Well, a burlesque club. Still nice, though. )