
Posts Tagged: 'leandra+hawke'

Jul. 5th, 2012



I'll get to see Bethany again..and your father. But you'll be here alone."

Who: Leandra
What: A dream and a murder
Where: A motel room
When: Thursday night/Friday morning
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13

My little girl has become..so strong. I love you. You've always made me so proud. )

Jun. 28th, 2012



"I am afraid to ask this, but I must. Have you ever arrested anyone with my last name?"

Who: Leandra and Aveline
What: Leandra comes down early and Aveline stops a mugging!
When: Today!
Where: Someplace that's not the nicest neighborhood
Status: Complete
Rating: PG

...Hawke? No... )

Jun. 4th, 2012



Hurtled into the chaos, you fight..and the world will shake before you.

Who: Leandra and Bethany. Also dream!warrior!Marian, and dream!carver, and Dream!Aveline and Wesley. Also dream!Flemeth. I love Flemeth....
What: A psuedo shared dream and then a phone call.
When: This morning
Where: The long road from Lothering
Status: Complete
Rating PG-13 for violence

Is it fate or chance? I can never decide. )