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Jun. 17th, 2011


[Email to the greater Morgenstern clan]

[A day or so after the party.]

So I here there was quite a shin dig. Louis, are you Is every one well?

Jun. 11th, 2011


D Wallace, I Morgenstern

[Locked to D Wallace, after slipping out of his apartment in the morning.]
Thank you for ensuring I made it home safely. I do not recall what I I had a very good time with our host I think. I am glad you enjoyed your mujer as well.

[Email to eye.ris.em @ gmail dot com, from deseo.magia @ gmail dot com]

Our long correspondence has helped me a great deal in communicating in English in my new home, where it is important to do so in writing, but I found it did not help very much when I had too much to drink recien recently.

I know this is not our normal topic of conversation, but as it involves human nature it is not so far off, si? yes? In the American novels I have read, men and women drink to forget, or to do something they would otherwise not do. In Spanish ones, it is not tan so prevalent. If alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, why is there the assumption that it will increase bravado?

Tu amiga,


[Group Family Email]

[Group email: J Morgenstern, A Morgenstern, L Morgenstern, M Morgenstern, R Morgenstern, O Monarch, D Galakis (I hope I'm not forgetting anyone)]

Hello family.

I hope this letter finds you all well. I know that I don't often email all of you in a large group like this, but I am writing because Mother has seen fit to finally let me escape her maternal crutches and live on my owe like a normal adult. Her one requirement was that I go with everyone else and settle in Seattle. I don't no how a long move is any better than simply finding an apartment nearby, but I didn't want to make her rethink her choice once she a greed. I imagine if I step out of line, I well be whisked back to Mother's so protective arms.

As it is, I am now residing in Seattle. My building is called The Bathos. Or maybe just Bathos. I'm not quite sure which. Surprise! I'm getting to know my apartment and running into things steel. I anticipate many bruises over the next few days because I'm too stubborn to use my cane in my own house. My lease states that I am allowed to have a dog, so I might finally get one. I wanted a helper monkey, but that idea was shut down. No fun.

So that is my important news. You may have noticed that my translation software has been on the frizz again and I hope I haven't sent anything two strange to any of you.

Your sister,