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Oct. 20th, 2010


Locked to S. Ellery.

I don't suppose you were arrested after everything that happened?

Oct. 18th, 2010


filtered messages

I’m not really one for talking to people I don’t even know on this thing, but a [...] friend told me you might be able to help me with a little problem I’ve been having.

edited to add
Now that you have us, what is it you had in mind exactly?

Oct. 11th, 2010


posted by i. falco.

Has anyone gotten lost in a dream before? I mean, say you're dreaming, then you manage to enter someone else's dream. When that happens, do you ever...forget that you're in a dream? What do you do to keep it from happening again? I'm sorry if this is taboo subject, but I just want to know what to do if it happens again.

Oct. 10th, 2010


Well well.

I'm certain that vigilantes' underage drinking hasn't come up yet on the evening news, but it will now.

Brandon )

Oct. 6th, 2010


posted by h. amsel.

One of my researchers refuses to come into work today because their name starts with the letter "E." I understand that the situation must be difficult for them, but you would think that they would realize that their work place is much more secure than their apartments.


[Posted at 5:39, the day of the Joker plot.]

Well, darlings, I have a bit of advice: If you've a car you don't care for, park it outside the bank on Occidental.

Oct. 4th, 2010


is it working

how can you tell if the post goes THROUGH HOW DO YOU TURN BIG LETTERS OFF STUPID LIttle letters

oh there

Oct. 3rd, 2010


j cooper

[Locked to J Cooper]
Darling, I'm in need a favor that has nothing to do with your considerable skills in the bedroom.
Tags: ,

Sep. 29th, 2010


[Shortly after this is on display]

Enough. If it's not children half-dead from terror left on our godddamn doorsteps, it's vigilantes dying and kids brought into our ER with people in masks alongside them. Enough with the cryptic paintings that no doubt glorify the whole spectacle further.

And can I just express my utter horror at aforementioned kids coming in, hurt, when if they stayed off the streets, stayed out of the clutches of adults who should damn well know better? If you're going to be gathering, for god's sake have some damn sense. Even the police don't go out without wearing kevlar.


Locked to S. Ellery.

Humorous. Really.


[Locked to A Monteon]
You've led me on a merry chase, darling.
Tags: ,

Sep. 22nd, 2010


R Saunders

[Left inside Richard Saunders' apartment, on the center of his bed.]

The deck of cards is from Musings, familiar, used for a con once upon a time. )

Sep. 18th, 2010



556 South Hampton Street

[There's a body at this address. It's a masked body; a masked hero--a very dead hero. Small time, extremely local, Electron was an electromagnetic Creation ability that targeted muggers in her filthy little neighborhood. Shot twice in the chest and once in the head. Someone heard the shots and the house is crawling with police already.]

Sep. 17th, 2010


Locked to S. Ellery

You said to keep you updated, Silas and I kinda [...] forgot until now. Remember that play?


I didn't get cast.


[After the third mural]

To the artist,

Well done darling. How do we make you famous, hmmm?

Sep. 16th, 2010


W. Hampden does not get dolled up.

If I wanted to put on a dress, put on fancy makeup and become the most confusing belle of the ball, I'd just watch my video of prom night again.

Sep. 12th, 2010


[After the second mural]

Darling, a word to the wise. We've no money in Hamartia, and you've talent at your beck and call. Pull up Google Maps and find the Aubade. Your exquisite skills are wasted on the lot of us.

Sep. 1st, 2010


Weapon of choice, forum: words or actions?

Aug. 30th, 2010


Why do we feel the need to be responsible for everyone's well being all at once? We have vigilantes killing people for what they think is the common good, and we have people opening Academies for the training of Creations youth, and we have people trying to be heroes and de facto kings. What is the point? What do they want to achieve, in fighting tirelessly to save a world that does not care to be saved?

Philosophical questions out of the way, since the internet can't seem to help me and no one else I've asked has been qualified to do much more than operate simple machinery and be paid minimum wage for the rest of their lives, can anyone tell me where I can find a decent rare book store in the area?

Aug. 29th, 2010


Now Hiring

[Posted publicly.]

Creations Only.

Available positions for persons with experience or expertise in the following individual fields:

1) Financial Management
2) Human Law
3) Youth Education
4) Creation Ability Training and/or Understanding
5) Security
6) Construction and Repair
7) Hospitality

Please comment for an introductory interview with your experience, and send your resume to "".

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