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Oct. 1st, 2010


Everyone seems to be in such a terrible mood today. Usually Fridays are happy, but everyone has been so... sour. My professors were short-tempered, my fellow students were all impatient and obtuse. Even people on the streets looked very glum and unwelcoming today. And then the forums were... very charged, I think?

Perhaps I'm wrong. Perhaps my interpretation is flawed.

I'm sure a cup of tea and some cookies will cast everything in a much nicer light.


Posted by Q. Kovacks

Now’s probably the worst time to be doing this, seeing as how it’s the 1st of the month and all our wallets are lighter. But if anyone needs anything fixed around this place I can probably help out. I'm usually pretty handy. I’ve been here for a few weeks and had to fix the sink twice.

Maybe I’m just a lucky one but figured it wouldn’t hurt to offer. Guess that goes for anyone outside of the Hamartia too.

Sep. 20th, 2010


has anyone seen a big blue bag in hamarita? i think i left it near the mailbox. its big and blue and has little dangly shiny charms that jingle on the zippers. its really colorful and it has just clothes in it but my favorite dress is in there.

if you see a big blue bag, let me know. my name is genny i'm in 605. thank you!!